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Thread: Dreamcast Word Smearing

  1. #1

    Default Dreamcast Word Smearing

    My dreamcast when it plays games or anything the graphics and words all get smeared to the right and isnt that clear. could this be a lens problem? the dreamcast is a bit dirty on the inside but i dont think that should have bothered it. thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Nope, that's nothing to do with the DC. I'm pretty sure that's your connection to the TV, what cable are you using?

    Although i use a gold plated RGB scart with my PS2 and still get smearing, but i use a stock RF cable with my DC and get perfect picture. Perhaps it's not the cable, anyone know what causes this?

  3. #3


    i use an auto rf switch adapter made by madcatz, my ps2 graphics are perfect for me when i use rgb. whats a stock rf cable?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie sixtyten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unholydoragon
    i use an auto rf switch adapter made by madcatz, my ps2 graphics are perfect for me when i use rgb. whats a stock rf cable?
    Stock means the standard. So stock in this case means the cable that came in the box.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Okay, that's weird. My PS2 is smudged really badly when i use my scart cable (4gamers RGB scart £4.99) but when i use the stock RF adaptor that came with my PS1 with the PS2 the image is perfect.

  6. #6


    I'm not sure what causes it, or what cures it, but I had the same problem when using a multi-scart adapter, PS2/X-Box/DC all had the same problem when the scarts were in a particular order in the adapter. I thought I'd bought a dodgy adapter but I swapped the cables and everything then worked fine - strange!.

  7. #7


    i cant have rgb cables because i dont have any room on my tv anymore, i've always felt that rf adapters were less quality.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Oh **** it, i remember now!

    I think those smudged images are caused by a TV getting a slightly differant composite signal to the RGB, or a relay of the RGB. That's why you only get it with RGB scarts. What causes the change in signal is if something is plugged in to the same place as the, for example PS2, so that the RGB/composite signal backtrack's through the other device, causing it to become distorted. To get rid of this you just unplug all the other devices from your scart, or get a scart-block with switches not a cheap one with none.

    I remember because it only used to happen when i plugged my GC in to the TV by the AV block on the PS2 scart cable, dodgy way of hooking up i know.

  9. #9


    lol, but i use an rf adapter... i think its the thing with the antenna going to an adapter going to the tv through the antenna...

    ok, now i just tried it with the rgb scart and it works perfectly no smearing! its just a real hassle having to switch with the ps2 all the time cause i only have 1...

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