via Computer and Video Games

The blatantly in-development sequel to Gears of War is featured in some form in the next issue of US mag, GamePro. Don't get your knickers in a twist just yet; it could be a load of guesses.

Gears 2 appears twice on the magazine cover, which can be found over on the Gamepro website, once along the top of the magazine logo and once in a siderbar, in the form of a big gears cog logo with a '2' next to it.

Epic is still in bed and we don;t want to wake them, but Microsoft was kind enough to deliver a standard "no comment on rumour and speculation" to our inbox.

Just the fact that a dodgy-looking Rainbow Six Vegas 2 cover - and not Gears - forms the main hit and image of the issue sets off our alarm bells.

Surely if this was the world's first look at Epic's sequel it'd be flagged front and centre over R6? That's what we'd do anyway.

Either way, the increasingly loud Gears 2 chatter adds more fuel to the rumours that the follow-up will be making an appearance at next week's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Either way, there's not long to wait now.

Magazine scann here