via Games Industry

GameTap has announced that it is to close down the Cyan Worlds-developed Myst Online: Uru Live because it's no longer financially viable.

"The decision was a very difficult one and was made for business reasons rather than due to any issues regarding the design and vision of the amazing world that Cyan Worlds and Rand Miller have brought to us," said GameTap's VP of content and creative director Ricardo Sanchez in a statement on the company's forums.

The game was originally signed for a release under Ubisoft but was cancelled and the developer then linked up with the Turner-backed GameTap portal.

However, the game doesn't seem to have captured enough of the public's imagination, particularly in the face of ever-growing competition in the MMO space.

The servers will remain live for the next 60 days after which time they will shut down, although the game's Myst Online web site will remain open for the foreseeable future.

There is no indication as to where this leaves the Cyan Worlds team as yet, and whether they will seek a new partner for the title.