via Computer and Video Games

Altus US, the distributor of quirky Japanese games including Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, is set to release a new multiplayer puzzle game for Wii, called Octomania.

Set in the land of Lonronpia, players take control of apprentice magician Kari, who accidentally causes the land to be covered in coloured octopi. A guardian angel then appears before her and asks her to clean up her mess.

It sounds bonkers to us, but the actual features of the game sound quite promising, including an online multiplayer head-to-head mode. All quite good for a title tagged at less than $20.

Atlas promises that a tutorial makes the game more accessible than their previous efforts, but to be fair they could release a game based on a space shuttle technical manual and still keep that particular promise.

Fingers crossed that the game will come to the UK somehow, and toes crossed that more than five people buy it.
