via Eurogamer

Eden has parked the sixth batch of Test Drive Unlimited cars on Xbox Live.

Splash out on the 350 Point premium pack and you will be treated to a Nissan 350Z Roadster 2004, Audi A4 Touring Car, Cadillac Sixteen, Dino 246 GTS, Triumph Dayton 995i, Pontiac Solstice and a Lamborghini Diablo GT.

If you are cheap and drive a normal car in real life you might like the free Nissan 350Z Roadster 2004. But ha, you still have to buy it with in-game currency.

Test Drive Unlimited is as old as a year and bunch of months, and is an open world driving game where you roar around a tropical island in lots of very expensive cars. Pretty good, too.

There was lots of sequel chatter last May claiming a follow-up would be out in early 2008, but the publisher avoided commenting and we have heard nothing since.

Unfortunately Atari was unavailable to dodge yet more probing this afternoon.