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Thread: WinPSP/whatever project dead.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default WinPSP/whatever project dead.

    I was going through the forums and I found this post by fluff.


    Joined: 22 Apr 2005
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    PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:52 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
    This projects dead, i wont be working on it anymore, and i am not giving permission for my own artwork to be used, so if someone feels like messing with the source and releasing something themselves, they'd damn well better do their own graphics too.

    I'd personally like to thank MSX for the death of this project, when you are given an internal beta, and SPECIFICALLY asked, not to show anyone, or distrobute information about the project,
    Doing the opposite, posting pictures and in depth information about the project and its plans, you are going against the entire concept of being an internal beta tester, Take your post in this thread, "hi im a beta tester and this is what it is", rediculous, bloody rediculous.
    You know, ive never really liked this project.. it just sounds so idiotic that somone would even name a psp program after windows.. even when they chose to change the name to whatever $#@! they decided on, i thought they were just sale outs...

    I cant see that MSX has really done much wrong reporting information on the project, and blaming the death of his project on him over a few (fake looking) pics is just inane.

    No coder should follow this persons example.

    His source is availible somewhere in this link. I guess.

    And dont think im just angry about this $#@! not being completed.. It sounded lame when i first heard of it, and thanks to the author, it sounds even lamer now.

    This whole thing sounds like someone is being a attention seeking, lazy ass, drama queen.

  2. #2
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    Now, I hate to be a jerk myself, but your own post pissed me off a fair bit.
    Now, I can't say anything about MSX or whether or not he should be blamed, but attitudes like yours make the dev scene just a bit harder to work in.

    You know, ive never really liked this project.. it just sounds so idiotic that somone would even name a psp program after windows.. even when they chose to change the name to whatever $#@! they decided on, i thought they were just sale outs...
    Sellouts? Sell out to what? They weren't making money, they just took a name that fit their project. It was a WINdow manager for the PSP. Heck, they were even nice enough to change it to Psix (if I remember correctly) when people complained about the name. A program should not be judged by its name alone, but by what it's capable of doing. And they certainly did not "sell out" to anything.

    And dont think im just angry about this $#@! not being completed.. It sounded lame when i first heard of it, and thanks to the author, it sounds even lamer now.
    It's this kind of attitude that's pissing me off. When PSprint was released people complained that "Oh, just another useless keyboard program. Sure, maybe you didn't need a window manager for your PSP. Maybe you find it pretty dumb, but not everybody does. I personally don't need one, as I am content with the built in OS, but if I was fed up with corrupt icons and crappy backgrounds I might have opted for something that looked much more polished. And if there's one thing you have to admit, it's that Psix looked pretty damned good. Who knows, if 2.0 does eventually get homebrew through some "Update" folder trick (or otherwise) a window manager will not only be "nice" but completely necessary to run more than just one application.

    So keep your stupid comments like:
    This whole thing sounds like someone is being a attention seeking, lazy ass, drama queen.
    to yourself.

    Why would you want to complete a project when you have to deal with comments like these? I would be pretty discouraged from finishing it if all I had to listen to was "lame", "unecessary", "lawl!!111 ghey."
    So shut up or log off, whichever it takes to keep attitudes like yours out of the way of developers.

  3. #3


    STOP FIGHTING GUYS! tHE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THE DEV SCENE IS to see what PSP is capable of and collaborate with your peers.

    Nobody is getting paid to do these projects, it's all supposed to be for fun!

    Nobody ever got anywhere by saying it was all ME! ME MEME ME

    If you can't be civil when working with each other don't do it at all!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDRLord
    blahblahblah so its not a quote, but its what i read.
    perhapes I over reacted a bit, but there is no reason for Fluff to react the way he did to MSX. Hell I dont even like MSX, but I still think this was uncalled for.

    Fluff is an asshole not because he didnt release his program (If I cant complain about a $#@!ty program then how are we able to complain about a $#@!ty OS.. for instance... windows. Hell why do we complain about anything! OMG IT EXISTS! WE SHOULD PRAISE IT! no. Perhapes I should make a simple program that says DDRLord sucks. but thats ok right? its a program for PSP! so it must be worth somthing.

    Anyways, I dont like MSX or Fluff, or even you at the moment. I admire your courage for posting the above blahblahblah, but I do not commend it.

    This post was actually an enraged message to Fluff, if he were to read it. I didnt think I would pull in some other guy who was going to complain about my attitude. This message was not meant for you, but again, I admire you for posting that. (once again, I dont like you, so dont get any lovy dovy ideas)

    Most of that crap was a filler to get out my point that he overreacted, and in doing so I supose I overreacted myself. A compliment such as that is all youll ever get from me. So dont push your luck and respond with arrogance. I might not show such kindness in the future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyjr
    STOP FIGHTING GUYS! tHE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THE DEV SCENE IS to see what PSP is capable of and collaborate with your peers.
    And that's what I'm upset about. Making posts insulting other's programs isn't collaborating. But you've got a point, I'll stop. After all, if I kept going 1timeuser might decide to not be so kind and insult me on the internet. Who knows, he might even modify the source to Hello World so it reads DDRLord Sucks. Then I'd really feel his mighty wrath.
    Could you imagine how big a pickle I'd be in if he had to go through the trouble of actually reading my post? Why, life as we know it would be over.

    But I'll really stop. I just got sick of seeing people complaining instead of contributing. Getting angry as a result makes me no better than him.

  6. #6
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    any coder who would abandon a project completely simply because someone was mouthing off about it and released a private beta probably either wouldn't have been able to complete it anyways (for either lack of skill, concentration, or caring) or is starved for attention 100%.

    also, DDRlord, complaining about complaining without contributing is still complaining without contributing. oh, and way to concede to 1time's argument by using the whole "arguing over the internet is pointless" cop-out.

  7. #7
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    That hurts 1timeuser

    I have no grudge against Fluff/naoneo, and I'm not trying to start anything with him when I say this, but I think he's just using me as a scapegoat so that he can stop coding it. If you recall, he even came into the thread and talked about features.

    I asked and he said yes, I could take pics of it running, he just wants a way out of coding it.

    So, before you think I'm the reason it was stopped, don't, I wasn't. I didn't release the beta to anyone, I showed pics of it running, and I was granted permission to do so.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular shizzle's Avatar
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    i hate to say i told you so.

    Seriously fluff is a complete n00b to do this. Blaming you, even though i thought it was wrong in the first place for you to show us beta pics( just in case this happened lol), he still gave permission. Seriously msx, i never really had much respect for you here, nor did i for fluff and his posting features before it's certain stuff, but you can still make up for it.

    Send us his graphical beta, to coders, let this project live , let it become you're project. Then he can perosonally thank your ass for the death of it. You bare no grudge, he's just slated you and what ever rep you might have had in front of the entire psp scence. If you go out without a bang you just end up as some n00b who ruined a project that got slated to death lol.

    In related news, can somebody compile the nano-x port i cba to download the psp sdk/compiler.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by quzar
    oh, and way to concede to 1time's argument by using the whole "arguing over the internet is pointless" cop-out.
    I know I said I'd stop, but I have to defend myself on this point.
    I knew it was pointless, and that my comments were as detrimental as his, so that there was no reason in arguing any more.
    And it's especially hard to argue when the other party isn't even reading your responses.
    He insulted WinPSP, so I defended it. Rather than pointing out some flaw in my views, or a problem with my arguement... he said, "Well, what if I released a program that said DDRLord is gay?"
    I have nothing against arguing, but that isn't arguing.
    That's an insult pulled straight from elementary school.
    So if someone can actually counter my views rather than saying "you're gay" or "way to lose" then I'll gladly fight right back.
    Until then I'll just sit down and relax.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDRLord
    I know I said I'd stop, but I have to defend myself on this point.
    I knew it was pointless, and that my comments were as detrimental as his, so that there was no reason in arguing any more.
    And it's especially hard to argue when the other party isn't even reading your responses.
    He insulted WinPSP, so I defended it. Rather than pointing out some flaw in my views, or a problem with my arguement... he said, "Well, what if I released a program that said DDRLord is gay?"
    I have nothing against arguing, but that isn't arguing.
    That's an insult pulled straight from elementary school.
    So if someone can actually counter my views rather than saying "you're gay" or "way to lose" then I'll gladly fight right back.
    Until then I'll just sit down and relax.
    i dont feel like fighting, or reading your long boring responces. go away. Hows that for a responce? I gave you a chance to just let it go and you threw it away. Now enjoy being the first ever on my ignored list.
    PS. I gave an example of making a useless program that in no way would mention the word "gay". Read up if you dont believe me. have a nice life.

    @ MSX, I dont think this is your fault at all. Like quazar said, Its obviouse Fluff either had a mind **** and decided to take it out on you, or he just really wanted attention. There is no excuse for his actions.

    Stick around MSX. I said I dont like you. But I dont really like my mom either and I deal with her... XD your a good guy to have around truly

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