via Computer and Video Games

Not content with its hefty info splurge on Crysis patch 1.2 last week, Crytek's gone and provided an ever bigger update on what's in the pipe.

Amidst bullet-point lists detailing game balancing, tweaks and bug fixes is word from the developer that its own anti-cheat solution for multiplayer is debuting in patch 1.2.

"Punkbuster and the anti-cheat solution are able to run in conjunction on one game server, but also can be used separately if needed. Still Crytek recommends having Punkbuster as well as the internal solution from Crytek running on a server in order to reach the maximum possible cheat protection", it says.

A second new addition worthy of note is the Crysis Mod Loader, which will allow players and mod creators to manage mods through the first-person shooter's main menu.

In a nutshell, a new "Mods" option features in the menu and clicking on this will whisk you away to a mod interface which displays the Crysis mods you have installed on your hard drive.

And, "By selecting a mod you will see the respective splash screen and some more detailed information. All these things can be easily adjusted and set via an XML-file in the respective mods folder. It will allow each modder to add their personal logo and detailed information to their modification."

Crytek's full new update on Crysis patch 1.2 can be read here.