via Computer and Video Games

New details regarding the Bring Down the Sky downloadable content for Mass Effect have been confirmed by Bioware's community co-ordinator Chris Priestly.

Apparently, the new content doesn't take place after the game's conclusion, but in fact exists as one of the exploratory side-missions you can understake in the middle of the game.

So that means you'll need to dig out those save files if you've already completed the RPG.

Priestly went on to confirm there will be full voice over for English, French, German and Italian, and will include Spanish and Polish subtitles.

Bioware has previously stated that the downloadable content would bridge the gap between the first two games in the trilogy, so the news that this content comes in the form of a playable side-mission in the actual game is surprising, and somewhat irritating for anyone forced to play through the first few hours if they haven't kept their save files.

Is Mass Effect worth playing through again for ninety minutes worth of new content? Let us know below.
