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Thread: Grand Theft Auto IV hands-on report

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Grand Theft Auto IV hands-on report

    via Computer and Video Games

    As that April release date creeps ever closer the latest issue of GamesMaster has got a hands-on report of Grand Theft Auto IV - and it's still sounding fantastic.

    "It's during a cab ride that we realise just how good the new GTA is," the mag says. "There's as much traffic as you'd expect. But you can see people actually driving their cars and hear what they're playing on their stereo as you drive past.

    "Major changes have been made to the [vehicle] handling," GM continues. "So it's much more difficult to chuck a top-of-the-range motor around a right-angle by jamming on the handbrakes.

    "It's much more realistic, making the faster cars and bikes more difficult to control and the difference between models more noticeable. It still felt fun but don't rely on that handbrake when cornering."

    Car combat sounds like a much more enjoyable experience behind the pad, as well: "If you get a wheel shot out you'll be able to tell from your car's handling, but also by the thumpa-thump of the rubber flapping around the rim.

    "Niko can lose health when your car takes a pounding but unlike in previous games, they won't always explode after being flipped onto their roof. Another nice touch is that Niko can now lob grenades out of the window if he's got a tail and you can lock onto targets, making shooting while driving and absolute pleasure."

    Xbox 360 controls (the PS3 version is running "a week behind" according the mag preview) seem to be made up of the following:

    A = Run
    B = Push pedestrians/Car Camera
    X = Jump/Grab ledge

    RB = Cover
    LB = Call Taxi
    LT = Lock-on
    RT = Shoot

    Later on in the mag's 8-page blow out it reveals new and tantalising details on the ground combat as well, which sounds top-notch.

    "In GTA IV, it's strongly implied that Niko's got some kind of military training, and the shooting's been rejigged to reflect this," GamesMaster says.

    "Holding LT (left trigger) locks onto enemies - then you can push up or down on the right analogue stick to go for the head, hand, knee or groin shot. The reticule shows how much health your target's got left, too.

    "Press RB and Nico will snap to any cover he's near," the preview continues. "Point the camera at another bit of cover and Nico will either run and slide or forwards-roll into it. Parked cars are one of the best places to do this, although of course there's always the chance they'll drive away and leave you without cover".

    Games Master magazine frontpage scan here

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    Its in ps3 section yet shows the 360 controls? Grand
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
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  3. #3
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Well, Grand Theft Auto 4 is for the Playstation 3 as well so I decided to post it in PS3 News.

    Anyway, I'm all set to get this when it comes out near the end of April.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular Mr.Denny's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'd say it would have been wiser to post this in the Xbox360 forum tbh. You know, seeing as it's actually about the 360 version. A bit silly though but I won't get bent out of shape about it.

    Anyway, sounding great. I'm wetting myself in anticipation.
    Last edited by Mr.Denny; February 9th, 2008 at 23:19.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    maybe just edit the controls to say what each one is for ps3 would have been logical?

  6. #6
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    as the article said the ps3 version is a week behind so they dont have the controles for that yet. but still it is a ps3 game as well as xbox 360 realy this should be in both forums.

    just hope i manage to get round to get a ps3 for this one since pc release is ment to be the end of the year.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    obviously the would have the same control scheme on both consoles.....

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    but how do you logicaly convert the 360 controler to the playstation setup yes they may be similar but the controles are realy too differant for an accurate guess would be easier just to say they are the same as the earlier games.

  9. #9


    I cannot wait. This sounds awesome. I'll be playing this for certain...although I'll have to go to someone else's house as I don't have a PS3 or 360 >.<

  10. #10
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    Here ya go:--->

    - The PS3's version seems to be exactly the same visually as it's 360 counterpart
    - The frame rate on the ps3 version is extremely smooth
    - Niko's clothes get bloodier after you take more and more damage
    - You can ring 911 to get the police, ambulance or fire brigade
    to create a diversion or simply steal their car and anything else you can foster up
    - When you fail a mission, you receive a text message asking whether you want to replay the mission, even a 'skip trip' feature is included
    - Multiplayer will be accessed from the phone
    - The phone can also be used for messageing, photos, reminders and music.
    - R1 will be the 'into cover' button for the ps3, many variations of getting into cover apply
    - You can dangle from Helicopters, just like vans and trucks
    - When your about to die it fades into black and white, just like in gears of war and uncharted.
    - Ne-Yo and R Kelly were heard on the radio
    - 18 radio stations available
    - Niko is able to ask the cab driver to change the radio station
    - Niko pays the cabbie double (which adds up to $39) to speed up
    - Bums on the street ask for money, you have the ability to give them money
    - Niko raises his arms when cops try to 'bust him' out of say a car, but he can move freely and can run or retaliate

    Plus this info aswell:--->

    # The preview was based on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. This is the first time (as far as we are aware) that the PS3 version has been previewed by the gaming press.
    # The faster you tap X, the faster Niko runs. He doesn't appear to get tired.
    # Major collisions on motorbikes cause the helmet to fall off. You can see it fall onto the ground.
    # Heavy fire will scar - and permanently destroy - parts of the environment.
    # They previewed a mission called "To Live and Die in Alderney," which is the second part of "Truck Hustle." The second mission is called "Jamaican Heat," and acts as a tutorial for the new cover/targeting system. The third mission is called "Jacob's Ladder," and the fourth (and final) mission is called "Harbouring a Grudge." This mission introduces an Irish character called Patrick McReary, who is related to Francis.
    # The mobile phone can be used to call the police, the paramedics, and the fire department.
    # There are 18 radio stations in GTA IV - one of which is Russian. All of these stations can be accessed via the mobile phone.
    # You can take photos with the mobile phone and upload them to the police computer.
    # Health is represented by a green semi-circle on the left side of the radar, and a right semi-circle represents armour. You can restore health by resting, by using medical kits, and by eating.
    # In taxis, you can ask the driver to change the radio station by pressing D-pad left or right.
    # The GTA 4 equivalent of the Lincoln Tunnel is known as the Booth Tunnel.

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