
While Far Cry 2 is a wholly appropriate PlayStation 3 release, Ubisoft Montreal are finding development for Sony's platform something of a complex task.

"We were somewhat worried by some of the reported high complexity of developing for the PS3",admitted Technical Director Dominic Guay, "but the raw processing power is impressive".

Guay was speaking to PSM3 magazine.

The task of developing for the PS3 was initially daunting apparently, and compromises have been hinted, however the programmers are apparently "not scared" by the platform, with work on the new title progressing apace.

"One thing that we realized pretty quickly as we started R&D on PS3, was that the hardware architecture had a very nice fit with some of our technical design decisions. We were positively surprised by how efficient the SPUs (the Cell processing units) were to do such things as run our vegetation simulation, our animations or our physics systems. So while it did require quite a bit of R&D to understand how to use the system correctly, once we started having results we saw that it was a very capable console and that FC2 could run on it."

The Blu-ray drive not to mention the PS3's built-in hard disk also offer the developers various opportunities while Ubisoft Montreal do admit the PS3 release is unlikely to match top-end PCs.

More shortly.