via Eurogamer

PopCap boss Greg Canessa has said "online functionality" will play a major role in the Live Arcade version of Peggle when it is released in Q2 2008.

He was talking to Evil Avatar in an interview arranged by Microsoft's Gamerscore blog, but was coy about letting too many details spill.

"We are working on online functionality for Peggle; it's a very important part of the design," said Canessa, avoiding specifics. "There are multiplayer modes - online and local - for a varied number of players."

Peggle is a cross between Pachinko and Puzzle Bobble, and has proved wildly popular on this here Internet; we gave it 9/10 and liked it so much it finished as our 12th favourite game of 2007.

PopCap recently raised our hopes with promises of a DS version of the puzzler, but Canessa put an end to those rumours by saying Nintendo had not approved it and perhaps some reports had jumped the gun.

"We have ambitious plans for many of our titles including Peggle, and are eager to bring its peg-popping pleasures to as many appropriate platforms and devices as possible," said Greg Canessa in a statement.

"But Nintendo has not approved this product, we have not signed a developer to port Peggle to DS, and we have not green lighted this project."