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Thread: Have you been Scammed By Free PSP/Ipod/Xbox360 etc Sites

  1. #21
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    For obvious reasons, and if we see you again, we will ban you again. Having multiple accounts is against the forum policy over at PSPU. ipconfig /renew does not work if you have a static IP (me). I would suggest not going to PSPU if you don't like it, just go to other sites, but none offer the kind of service (24/7 news and almost 24/7 forum moderation).
    *cough cough* proxy *cough* cough*

    dont bother going back anyways... youve made your point there.. and there isnt many mind you can chang by doing things like that anyways..

  2. #22
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    That was a fun read, thanks!

    I don't like the volunteer forum guys jumping on the "Defend the **** out of the assholes" thing.
    I really wish Malumense especially would step back and stop thinking he really is "part of the team".

    It's been proven over and over and over and over: they don't give a $#@! about the forum and moderators to them are a dime a dozen. You mean nothing to the "power trio" (and don't think Jeff Chen is anything but their 'funny language reader guy').

    It's 3 guys from Oregon who saw a rising development and jumped on it. They've never participated in anything homebrew remotely EVER, and to their SHOCK.... GASP the wave dies down!

    So now with a dead wave of releases what do they do?
    Steal more IGN news (not even snippets.. FULL STORIES AND ALL IMAGES) and begin offering FREE IPOD FREE XBOX360 FREE RUBBER CHICKENS etc to try and make you still go "hey, they are a good site for all the news!"

    Forum mods: we are not attacking you in anyway. As stated by basically every dev and homebrew site staff member who has slagged P$PUpdate$: this has nothing to do with the forum and its registered users... it is only about the main site.

    How many times have you admins requested the "SEARCH" button be on the main page in big letters? Just from random browsing there you can see it's been asked many times.

    Do the "admins" do it? hell no. But what is in RED all the time? BE A PREMIUM MEMBER GIVE US $$$$

    I feel bad for MalumEnSe at this point.. It's like Nazi soldiers having to "just follow orders".

    Hello? It don't make it RIGHT.

    And what's funnier in that thread is people claiming P$PUpdate$ will become an IGN
    That makes me ****in laugh, especially since I worked for IGN and we used to see these kinds of sites and "networks" come and go constantly.

    I love Malum's claim of "Relationships with devs". That's not difficult to do, you ****ing morons. You send an e-mail to the "PR" address, mention your site and traffic, and they send you $#@!. WOW! What a ****ing concept!
    And I love how they claim Rockstar is in good with them; anyone remember P$PHacker posting the scans of GTA and being told to remove them?
    0-$ec!!!! 0-$ec!!!

    It proves you don't need an education to become a forum moderator or siteop, or to even be on the internet.

    Plus I love how I'm the "one" dev who hates P$PUpdate$.
    If that was so the best SNES emulator for PSP wouldn't have a mandatory splash screen that is targeted 100% at P$PUpdate$, lantus wouldn't have said "**** you" in a readme (for what? his second release? didn't take long for him).

    Just wait, it'll get worse before it gets better... and they won't be around.

    And using Alexa to prove traffic means jack $#@!. It means more retards with crappy browser plugins using IE go to P$PUpdate$ than other sites.

    Wow, that's a statistic I want to flaunt.
    R-E-S-P-E-C-T : the proper places and people deserve it

  3. #23


    I wish not to argue over this topic anymore, you guys obviously have your minds made up and I've known that for some time. I have a great education, and I must leave and go to that education work that I must complete. You can argue amongst yourselves, I was just trying to add some spice and some truth to the arguments. I wish I could help out more on every place I visit, but with school work and with moderator duties over at PSPU, I can't be everywhere at once.

    So, thanks all for the discussion and please join the PSPupdates forums, they are much better in behavoir and helpfulness than your views of the main site

    Ok, off to more work, man, I got sidetracked

  4. #24
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    Ok, off to more work, man, I got sidetracked
    ok, well good luck! dont violate any copyright, plagerisim or IP laws while your away!

  5. #25


    Smiths, nice message. It could use a little sophistocated vocabulary instead of "****ing" every sentance, a little less of a spiteful tone, and less character attacking though. rants full of hate accomplish nothing if on other sites. repost this on pspupdates or clean it up.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASSACRE
    Smiths, nice message. It could use a little sophistocated vocabulary instead of "****ing" every sentance, a little less of a spiteful tone, and less character attacking though. rants full of hate accomplish nothing if on other sites. repost this on pspupdates or clean it up.
    I'm sorry.. it seems that you are demanding another user in a forum you arnt even part of to do somthing... well I tell you what. If smiths does clean up his post, just because you told him to, you have to take images of yourself in a dress and post them all over the internet? sound reasonable to you? i think not.

    and if you dont appreciate his sophisitcated language.. I can take what he said and butcher it with my bag grammer, as well as my horrible spelling. however it wont loose any meaning now will it?

  7. #27


    forgive me for sounding forceful, i humbly apologize. i didn't mean to come across as such in my hastily put together post.

  8. #28
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASSACRE
    forgive me for sounding forceful, i humbly apologize. i didn't mean to come across as such in my hastily put together post.
    ooooooooooh no, your not getting off that easy.. I want to see pictures of you in a dress.

  9. #29


    that's cruel. i was tempted to find a picture of a guy in a dress and edit it to deface pspupdates in some humerous way but i don't even know how to put pictures on this complicated message board :P

  10. #30
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASSACRE
    that's cruel. i was tempted to find a picture of a guy in a dress and edit it to deface pspupdates in some humerous way but i don't even know how to put pictures on this complicated message board :P
    host it somewhere and directly link it with these without the quotes around it "[IMG] [/IMG]"

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