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Thread: Have you been Scammed By Free PSP/Ipod/Xbox360 etc Sites

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    just go to other sites, but none offer the kind of service (24/7 news and almost 24/7 forum moderation).
    And that is special because? .. Just because you have people able to post news 24/7 and moderate the forums 24/7 doesn't make ones sites service any better then another.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    And that is special because? .. Just because you have people able to post news 24/7 and moderate the forums 24/7 doesn't make ones sites service any better then another.
    Well, the forums are not moderated 24/7, but close. It's "special" because you can get help (on the fourms) almost any time of day and I know that I always look for the most up-to-date sites so that I can stay one step ahead of everyone else and help them. I'm not saying that this site isn't special, but PSPU just seems to offer more, but that more stuff, comes at a price What does make a site special? It's the people in my opinion, and the people who post the news are very friendly, Clay even made a Hombrew FAQ that we now direct all the "noobs" to, and even adds humore to news posts at times. It's all a personal opinion about wheter one site is good or not, I try not to have opinionative discussion, and thus must get back to work.

    I have nothing against DC EMU except the offensive statements against another site that has done nothing to deserve them, just trying to run a business.

    Peace All, back to writting

  3. #33
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    well.. how difficult is it to get a forum checked 24/7?

    lets see. Find some admins from North America, and find some admins from Europe.. then find a few insomniacs. I would say this site is moderated 24/7, but i cant back that up.

  4. #34
    PSP Coder
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    no site needs to be 24/7.

    When I was doing the news reporting back in the day (while our current "top $ite editor$ were in Junior High probably), IGN only updated once in the evening. I went from a "24/7" site to work for them, and it turns out: people wait for real news.

    Nothing is happening that is so groundbreaking you need to "Staff a business" 24/7.

    They aren't a business in any way. I want pictures of P$PUpdate$ groundbreaking architecture for their state-of-the-art in-the-red corporate headquarters.

    When half the users of said site are accessing from their parent's basement or a dorm room, arguing with people who work full-time jobs and code/update on sparetime about "proper scene" $#@!.
    R-E-S-P-E-C-T : the proper places and people deserve it

  5. #35
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    It seems like some moderator from PSPupdates is brainwashed by the owners of it, but I won't say who.

    Also, I'm with 1timeuser on the demand of MASSACRE in a dress....smiths got his point across, straight and simple.

  6. #36

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    I have nothing against DC EMU except the offensive statements against another site that has done nothing to deserve them, just trying to run a business.
    OMG!!! FrozenIpaq just called PSPU a BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW I also think the mods of PSPU are being brainwashed.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by HelloWorld
    OMG!!! FrozenIpaq just called PSPU a BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW I also think the mods of PSPU are being brainwashed.

    This will be my very last comment on the issue. We moderators think what we want, we all disagree with the recent events, but we still support the site. Brainwashed is overexagerating the issue at hand, we are sole indivduals, we think what we want. This is my opinion, and my opinoin only, other moderators share different opinions. We are definetly not brainwashed, we volunter our time on the forums, its not nice when you see someone talking bs about a site that you help out on, and a site that they hardly know. None of the admins have brainwashed me...I have my own opinion, I just don't like it when you talk bad about another site..that's flaming in a way, something that is not accpeted ammong many communites. As I stated above: PSPU has done no harm to DC Emu and they don't plan on it, so why do you flame them? Is it because they are better than you?

    Once again: This is an opinonative conversation and there is no use in arguing about something that will go back and forth.

    Please, just stop the arguing and for the last time: I am not brainwashed, sure it may look like I am, but I am doing this out of my own time for a site that I have worked hard on and have helped many.

    For the final time: Peace Keep these forums clean, and do not flame others based on opinionative statements!!

  8. #38
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    but none offer the kind of service (24/7 news and almost 24/7 forum moderation).
    It's a shame that our very own Superstar, Wraggster, has been getting homebrew news out BEFORE that low-life site has It seems for some that 24 hours isn't enough in a day

  9. #39
    PSP Coder
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    Ya know I am enjoying this little thread here so I think it should keep going since I'm sure judging by lurker counts there are others getting a little "Education" via this topic.

    This has nothing to with DCEmu vs. P$PUpdate$. While it was wraggy who posted it and started it, he does so on behalf of many who simply chat about this on IRC or mention topics elsewhere.

    It's not a case of "P$PUpdate$ has done nothing to DCEmu", it's 100% a case of what P$PUpdate$ is doing to the entire community, and it needs to unfortunately be constantly addressed.

    To those who feel this accomplishes nothing, I tend to disagree.
    P$PUpdate$ began citing properly after outcries such as these
    You seen loader news out the wazoo on the $ite recently? No. And there have been several updates to loaders.
    As much as CancerClay wishes to pretend he's "above the community", he knows in the end its simple homebrew/emulation fans that drive a lot of what is going on with the PSP right now.

    If people want game reviews and news, they go to IGN or Gamespot: the real sources.

    P$PUpdate$ exploited the homebrew community to build a base and now they are seeing the well dry up as the development is in another rest period.

    I personally have not looked at a piece of code for some time (pretty busy with a new kitten someone abandoned on my doorstep, and Final Fantasy IX again).
    Such is the cycle of homebrew. A developer works on a project, it reaches a level of satisfaction, development halts a bit so life can resume.
    To try and run a "business" based on that is bat$#@! insane.

    And **** my language and toning it down. I couldn't care less (plus I think the censoring is fun to **** with). I couldn't post any of this on their boards anyway for three reasons:
    1) I'm globally IP banned from the entire 'network' and have been for months on end (and not dealing with a proxy to post)
    2) Like I've said, I have nothing against the forums there except for the asskissing the volunteer admins are doing currently in defending practices the site admins don't defend themselves except with lies about co$t$ and $erver$
    3) It would be deleted anyway, since it's from me

    This is more fun here, and I must be blunt in saying I used to dislike wraggy's network of ad-bloated sites, thinking the layout was horrid and it was a pain to find the actual files (since changed). It's because of that $hit $ite's existence that I have found out more about this site and many others in the homebrew scene and have found a great community of intelligent people who have "Been around the block".

    So while they may be "Good" for raping users of $$$ and lying to them about "expenses" and "business costs" (college people believe anything, I know.. I used to be one of them), they are also effective in uniting developers and reminding them just what a "scene cancer" is.

    This is fun!
    R-E-S-P-E-C-T : the proper places and people deserve it

  10. #40


    Isn't this site about PSP emulation news? Why is there such an influx of news about other PSP websites? Why not just keep this sort of stuff to posting on the message board rather tha bloat the news page with the bashing of other sites?

    I don't visit any other PSP websites because this one serves all my needs for emulation news, and I can understand that you may feel that users might need to know that people are scamming others (although that seems like it could be a subjective point of view), but isn't the news page for objective news postings, rather than opinions on other websites?

    That's just my feeling anyway. This site used to be all about the emulation scene, not a pool of arguments and attacking other sites. Can't it be like that again?

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