via Computer and Video Games

There's been no lack of guessing at what Microsoft will reveal in its GDC keynote this evening, but Microsoft has finally offered us a hint, and it's "asynchronous play". Hmmm.

Speaking at the conference's Casual Games Summit, general manager of Microsoft's casual-games program, Chris Early, strongly hinted that an announcement regarding gameplay between mobile platforms, PC and Xbox 360 will be made in tonight.

"If you like that sort of thing, I would strongly recommend you go to Microsoft's keynote opening GDC, where you'll see a little bit of this announced for the first time," he said, adding "I think I've kept it vague enough not to get into trouble.

"I can't wait for this bridge to happen between hardcore and casual games, especially when they're separated in time," he continued. "I'd love to stand in line at the bank and play that BioShock flow game. Then come home and say, 'Ha! Take that!' I'd love to take that good casual game I played home and have that be successful there as well."

Live Anywhere was first touted back at E3 2006 (when it was keeping it real with fat Americans and booth babes) by Bill Gates himself. Microsoft's demo showed impress Live functionality between PC, Xbox 360 and Mobile devices, including sharing of Achievements and friends lists.

John Schappert's keynote (he's Microsoft's Corporate Vice President) is due to go down at 6:30pm GMT, where he'll hopefully - finally - tell us what games are actually coming out on Xbox 360 this year.

As much as Live Anywhere sounds cool, we'd rather see some Banjo-Kazooie footage, please.