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Thread: ELSPA applauds new govt approach to violence

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games ELSPA applauds new govt approach to violence

    Home Office report on violence references games, pledges "proportionate" response

    The Home Office has released its extensive review into the issues and effects of violence in society with its Violent Crime Action Plan, and while it references the possible effects of violent videogames, according to ELSPA it represents a shift in attitude towards the subject.

    The report states in its New Challenges section that: "There are concerns that the way in which violence can be presented in popular culture, for example in music, television, films, videos, computer games and on the internet, may attribute towards a general atmosphere in which violence is tolerated and even glorified.

    "Some individuals may be more influenced by this than others and we are considering this issue in particular with respect to children and young children."

    While the effects of videogame violence is a hot topic in the national press, as is speculation about the results of the Byron Review, due at the end of March and the CMS Select Committee, which will start hearing oral evidence later this month, ELSPA has released a statement welcoming the wording of the Home Office document.

    "ELSPA had been very concerned about the content of this document as much has previously been made by the media and Parliament of a link between violent video games and violent crime," it read.

    "To their credit they appear to have listened to what we have had to say, as while the document does express concern over the way violence can be presented in popular culture, it doesn't single out games and goes on to state that government 'will work with relevant industries and regulators to ensure that any response is proportionate and evidence based'.

    "This is a marked change in government thinking on this issue which, while we remain cautious, we warmly applaud. We look forward to meeting with government to discuss this issue further in due course."

    The plethora of government reports and reviews come against a backdrop of concern over the level to which virtual violence can affect gamers, the ongoing dispute between the BBFC and Rockstar over Manhunt 2, and the prospect of videogame versions of extreme violence (but legal) movies - such as Saw - in the works.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular John Vattic's Avatar
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    Yay governments are gonna save us games.

    what is it called when one form of violence is favored over another? hypocrisy isn't it?

    Meanwhile they conduct a war which is totally a violent $#@!s endeavor.

    Problem comes when everything out of a governments mouth is bullish, and the people are so dumbed down as to believe in the false security of government.

    In other words goodbye artistic video games and hello ignorant child-like populous.

    We have some real brilliant people in charge of the world huh?

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