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Thread: Racism a sensitive But unapologetic topic.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default Racism a sensitive But unapologetic topic.

    Yeah, this Post is going to cause a lot of flack and Bs it may even end up getting me banned if someone doesn't take it down first. But I mean damn, something has to be said. Firstly I am not racist, But I am a very firm believer in racial equality. So there is This billionaire in the news that owned the clippers.
    (A not entirely first rate basketball team) so this old Rich bast says some very racist things in private and it gets leaked through the media and now he's some sort of evil monster in the world's eyes because of things that literally ninety percent of all people on planet earth say in private.

    Yes there will be those people who act and pretend to be perfect. I know of No person on earth who hasn't at one point or another said a racist remark. Does this make is evil? No and I'll tell you what else. As long as we live and breath we have Free speech. We fought in wars for freedoms to be able to speak freely Weather it's to perpetuate Hate or promote happiness and butterflies.. the problem is that racism still activitly exisits and it's being used to control people.. so this Rich fat billionaire says the dreaded n word and suddenly he's hitler. But the problem is that this is not racialy equal. Because spike Lee can get in the Media along with any other non Caucasian race and do the honkey cracker dance on tv while laughing and pointing as white people as they are martered for uttering the n word..

    The last I checked white people where now the minority I've never owned slaves in fact my family was mostly American Indian..

    I'm here to say it's not okay to call a white person honkey or cracker like it's there ****ing birth given name all the while acting like the n word is the worst word ever uttered!!! It's complete bull$#@!!!!! Racism is Racism and it's not right for anyone to do But what's worse is only Caucasian people are suffering for Racisms sake? How many non Caucasian races get convicted for a hate crime? I don't know of any!!!! But if a Caucasian man gets in a fight with a non Caucasian man. Usually the Caucasian man is considered to be a hate criminal!!! I mean what the **** kind of justice and fair is that?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    If I had the power I'd lock this thread so as to prevent a flame war of some sort. But Damn.. it's like a other races are allowed to be proud of who they are. But if a white person is white and proud of that in any way why they are a horrible racist.. I'm not going to let society pressure and push me into an inert sate of mind and being where I'm ashamed to be what I was born to be.. so **** society. I stand by my words to the bitter end.

    Before you judge this Post and consider me a racist. Read it again and yet again. I want racial equality!!!! Fifty fifty. That is not racist.. true racial equality will come the day someone stands up and says Hey it's equally wrong and just as horrible to call a white person a cracker or a honkey..

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I think everyone has the right to say what they want. I do have to say though that generally, people who say 'I'm not a racist, but..' usually are

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    I do believe some people truly aren't racist. But without doubt in one way or another I feel that to some degree most people are

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I think you're right and even though I might not agree with the things you've said, I have more respect for you than for someone who pretends to be 'right on' but it secretly thinking the opposite. And, if you excuse the pun, it's not just black and white.

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