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Thread: Point-and-click Game Builders for PSP!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Point-and-click Game Builders for PSP!

    Hi there,

    This is actually my first post. So please be nice!
    I'm really impressed with the homebrew scene on the psp, but I was thinking (since I've got no skills on programming)...

    would it be possible to port the Klik n' Play or The Games Factory (or who knows...Multimedia Fusion) to PSP? I mean, they are "point-and-click game-building software" (for 2d pc game development). And excellent pieces of software with a laaarge fanbase.

    So, it would be great if someone could actually find a way to play the games made by these softwares on the psp. Since we already have ports of some well-known pc software (and Windows 95 for Christ sake!!), I think maybe it's not too hard..?

    or.... maybe we can have a similar software (point-and-click game development soft) designed for PSP, so we all "non-programmers people" could show our creative ideas going portable?
    I guess this option is better, since the source code for klik software may be a little hard to find...

    any thoughts on this would be nice!

  2. #2
    PSP Coder
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    Are the programs (Klik n' Play / The Games Factoy) open source? If they are, then it's possible, but if not, it'd probably be too difficult, depending on how they work. Do they create special files that you load up through the program, or do they generate .exe game files?

    Maybe someone will come out with a similar program for making PSP games like you said, though.

    Also, there isn't a port of Windows 95 for the PSP, just an emulated version of it.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hey msx! thanx for the reply!

    Actually I don't think they are open source, since the owners (Clickteam - sell it. Thinking about it, I believe a straight port would be illegal, maybe?
    And yes, they generate the games with .exe files, for Windows use.
    (NO need to have the software installed on your machine!)

    (hey hey hey, just came with something: maybe we can play the generated games on the emulated windows 95??)

    Anyway, I guess someone with good skills on programming could come up with a similar software for PSP. Someone was doing one for GBA, but unfortunately stopped.
    This kind of tool would for SURE boost homebrew games on PSP, cause there are a lot of people creative and just waiting for an oportunnity to show their ideas on psp gaming.

    3d games would be too much to ask, and virtually impossible. But 2d is more than great!!! and since some great advances have been made on Lua and similar languages, I guess a point-and-click tool would come handy!

    hope to bring some interest on this subject around here!

  4. #4


    Well if they will run from Windows 95 or even better DOS, we can run them currently. Doesn't mean they will run well though.

    Might be worth trying out, also the software would run through Win 95 too if it supports it.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yeah, maybe trying them in windows 95 would be nice. but, still, as far as I know, it's too early for the softwares to perform well under this emulated windows 95. So maybe we have to wait a little more.... or find someone who would like to develop a game-builder..

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular Shiaoran's Avatar
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    i'd really like to play pnc games on PSP ^^

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    yeah there are a lot of top-quality home-made games (Eternal Daughter comes to mind) made on these point-and-click builders (actually they obviously do more than that = full animations, AI, even parallax scrolling )

    I wish someone with the skills would come up with a similar tool, since playing the games in emulated Windows95 just won't happen!

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular Shiaoran's Avatar
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    ED is a plataform...

    advertures/pnc are like monkey island, day of the tentacle...

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I never said it's an adventure!! It's a platform, made on Games Factory/Multimedia Fusion...

    It can't really be emulated in Scumm or something! Unfortunately...

    and maybe I'm incorrectly using the term "point-and-click"... actually what I'm trying to say is that using some "click & create" software, you can make some good games!

    I'm not talking just about adventures made on these kind of software...there are a lot of platformers, shooters, etc...

  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular Shiaoran's Avatar
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    pnc or p&c is the kind of game that you point to an object with the mouse and click it

    you can try TNB that is a great freeware at

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