The DS Heretic Site have posted some WIP news concerning their port of Heretic to the Nintendo DS, heres the scoop:

August 15, 2005 -- Made some speed enhancements.
When I orginally worked the drawing routines out, I made a temporary space in VRAM to hold the new frame that I was drawing. I was then going to flip it in like a back buffer flipping to the front. You incur a large speed hit writing directly to VRAM when you can not write two pixels at a time, because VRAM can not be accessed as 16-bit (I had to do a read-modify-write). Then, I never worked on getting the page to flip in, I did a VRAM to VRAM dma. I moved the frame buffer into EWRAM and it is much faster now.

August 14, 2005 -- Got sound working!
I finally found what was not working and got the project building with Release 15. I do not understand it,but I had a character array, char name8[9]. To make string compare easy, I turned it into and int, like this: int v1 = *(int *)name8 (the first four characters anyway). This was working with Release 13, but not Release 15. I am using playGenericSound to play the sounds. I do not understand how to use playSound yet.
I also have the save game working fully now (this took a long time too, I had an odd inventory bug), and menu options save to the SRAM so you lefties do not have to select "Left Handed" every time you turn it on.