This is something many UIQ 3 users have been waiting for (me included!). A native SIS client for Google Maps instead of a Java Midlet. The new client is fast, looks neat and has a function called 'My Location' which basically gives a guess of your whereabouts. No press release whatsoever, but for you who want to test it, head over to using your UIQ 3's internet browser and download the SIS file. Screenshots after the break.

In my opinion, this is a good sign, showing support for UIQ application development. Not to forget that UIQ Technology signed an agreement with 6 new partners early this year and this could be one of the results. It is a very welcome move and hopefully it will not stop here. There are other Mobile Google Apps clients which need to be made available as native Symbian, especially the GMail Mobile client. The current Java implementation, while it does the job really well, is getting slower and not as good as it would have been, if it was made available natively.