via Computer and Video Games

The switch has been flipped and Microsoft has finally allowed the latest Call of Duty 4 patch through its iron Xbox Live flood gates. Here's what to expect when it comes streaming onto your white box (or black we suppose, if you've got an Elite. Ahem):

Additions / New Features:
  • Added Kill cam to Airstrike bombs and Claymores
  • Addition of Host Migration so if Host Leaves auto-chooses next best host
  • Tweaked the following Oldschool Mode settings based on feedback:
  • Added Unlimited Sprint
  • Increased Magazine Size
  • Added Ragdoll Cam
  • Addition of New "N0M4D" Control Scheme

Optimizations / Tweaks:
  • Identify party by background color (in Lobby)
  • Optimized server selection for first match for better connections
  • Improved network performance for 18 player games
  • Optimized 'Chase Cam' when Spectating
  • Fixed Playlist error when attempting to join from other games
  • Handle Corrupt Create A Class data instead of kicking player

There's no word yet on when PC and PS3 users can expect the update, but we can only assume it'll be shortly.