A million magic spheres, painted blue and orange. Multi-million dollars, almost overnight. That's what Popcap and EA will be hoping for with Peggle 2 on Xbox 360, as the formerly Xbox One-only game is out now for $12 in North America, and £10/10 euros in Europe.

Peggle 2 notched a respectable three and a half stars in our Xbox One review. While Joystiq's Richard Mitchell enjoyed all the main levels, he came away feeling a bit let-down.

"Again though, for many players, all Peggle 2 ever needed to be was 'morePeggle' and, in that respect, it succeeds," Richard concluded. "The improved production value is evident, with adorably animated masters and their ridiculously exuberant final score celebrations stealing the show. I wish the same amount of effort had gone into expanding the core game's mechanical variety, though I suspect we'll see that down the road via DLC."