Atari's new President and Directeur Général Délégué of Infogrames Entertainment is none other than Phil Harrison, is anyone suprised?

This seems like good news for Atari, who of course dosen't seem like it will last long unless drastic measures are taken. Even with a huge title like DBZ Budokai Tenachai 3, Atari still managed to post a even bigger loss in Q3 of 2007, probably due to the crap like Jenga, etc not doing so well.

I don't know how well he ran Sony, but im guessing up until the PS3 he knew what he was doing, hopefully he is able to return the Atari name to its former glory, so in the future the only thing left of Atari won't be the "retro" Atari logo on T-shirts!

See here for the full press release

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