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Thread: FRI released

  1. #1

    retro FRI released

    Mavtak released a new version of his rom manager for PC.


    * New Feature: Ability to edit ROM platform, language, maximum number of players, title, and notes
    * Tweak: the code for editing a ROM’s rating was re-written to match the same method as editing the platform, language, etc.
    * Tweak: .a26 is added as a unique file extension for Atari 2600 ROMs in the default Platform Vocabulary
    * Tweak: "JAG" and "J64" extensions for the Atari Jaguar were re-written as "jag" and "j64" in the default .Platform Vocabulary in order to be lower case like all of the other extensions.
    * Tweak: Now the "Help" button goes leads to "", which is a redirection page that allows me to change the final destination outside of FRI.
    * Tweak: Right-clicking on nothing in the ROM list no longer brings up the list of options.

    Also note that FRI supports editing the information of ROMs in bulk. Just select more than one before you right-click.

    Also, I was talking with a friend about FRI, and he brought up an interesting point. Previously I pronounced the FRI "fry", but he thought it was pronounced "free", which makes more sense to me. Now FRI, the Fantastic Rom Indexer, is pronounced "free".

    Download and give feedback via comments

  2. #2


    i was waiting for something like this

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