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Thread: Videogame violence, Save the world, spank the children.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Videogame violence, Save the world, spank the children.

    okay. it's been a while since I've had a nice airing out of my complaints about the world.

    But this censorship and controversy over video game violence has gone on long enough. And this isn't even coming from my perspective as a videogame fan.

    Just look at the world around us, we have war, and natural disasters, music that describes every single known drug, crime and sexual act imaginable.

    And yet here in america we have time amidst all of this chaos to single out video games and dub them as the problematic factor warping our children. Hell its not like a kid cant turn on a tv and see worse things on the news. or really almost any cable channel after 10 o clock on any given night.

    And what happens when video games become censored and everything in the land of gaming has this nice child safe nintendo shine to it?

    I'll tell you what happens, a kid turns on the tv and sees some news about the war, or some violent crime, and it warps his mind even worse. because those soft little video games gave him an illusion of a false reality.

    To be honest,. I will gladly tell you one and all, where the worlds real problems are in today's society. Parents have stopped disciplining their children, saying smut like this is the 21 first century spanking a child is just barbaric. No! NOT SPANKING A CHILD WHEN HE OR SHE DOES WRONG, IS WHAT CREATES THESE EMOTIONLESS, MORALLY EMPTY COLUMBINE KIDS!

    Children today have nothing to fear, nothing to keep them on the straight and narrow. these days. when a child makes a decision, the concept of repercussions for their actions aren't even in the equation.
    "if i do this, mom and dad may nag on me, and yell a little bit" ohhh I'm so scared..


    When I was a kid, my parents never missed an opportunity to discipline me, I was spanked with hands, belts, and even a switch a few times, "for those of you that don't know what that would be" it's a small limb from a tree of bush, with all the leaves removed. Switches leave welts, and sometimes break the skin. it may seem awful, but once a kid gets a switch spanking, they aren't very likely to do whatever they did to get that spanking again.

    Children Need discipline! PERIOD. if you don't discipline your child you are doing nothing but raising a child with no concept of consequences for his or her actions. they get upset, and decide to hurt someone? well that's all fine and good for the child because they don't even know what its like to be disciplined, so they don't think twice about it.

    Parents of the world, do yourself and every other living person on the planet a favor. when your child does wrong. discipline them, Hugs don't stop killers. But fear of the consequences do.

    *officially approved shadowprophet rant.

  2. #2
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    why blame video games when there are clearly soo many other things that are the cause.

    and yeah, parents these days dont seem to discipline as much as they used to.
    so their kids grow up doing whatever they want and they think its the right thing to do.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcajblue View Post
    why blame video games when there are clearly soo many other things that are the cause.

    and yeah, parents these days dont seem to discipline as much as they used to.
    so their kids grow up doing whatever they want and they think its the right thing to do.
    Exactly, and by disciplining a child, it teaches them the difference between right and wrong acts. While building character at the same time.

    In short. Not to sound barbaric about it. But children need guidance. it's ones soul responsibility as a parent to guide their children in the right direction.
    So ultimately. those parents who don't discipline their children.

    really it could be said, they don't love their kids enough..

    Because they wouldn't seem to care if their child knows the difference between right and wrong acts that will ultimately lead said undiciplined child down a path of confusion and maybe even crime.

    philosophicaly, Could it be said, the acts of children like that. would be the fault of the parent. in. all honesty. untill that child grows into an adult it can be said.

    but once that child is an adult. Lack of dicipline or not. one is responsible for their own actions.

    It's best to take on the challenge as a parent, and do the job everyone knows in their hearts parents are ment to do, and, "raise there kids" ... ...

    just my opinion.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Nice rant, its very true. Parents are afraid of their children these days, thats why all these little brats are being brought upon the world. Video games is an easy scapegoat, and people who are too serious and ignorant actually believe and listen to all the criticism and start thinking that games are the root of all evil.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pibs View Post
    Nice rant, its very true. Parents are afraid of their children these days, thats why all these little brats are being brought upon the world. Video games is an easy scapegoat, and people who are too serious and ignorant actually believe and listen to all the criticism and start thinking that games are the root of all evil.
    The problem in an ironic twist brother pibs, may very well be technology.
    The electronic babysitter. I have noticed that these days a lot of parents would rather put their kid in front of a tv or a video game then talk to them. family's act so busy, too busy to even speak to one another regularly. but the truth is. its not about people being busy at all. its that the family structure is slowly decaying.

    its sad really

  6. #6
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I happen to agree shades, again your posts provoke much thought. I've thought the video game censorship thing over before, but the beating thing I haven't.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    I happen to agree shades, again your posts provoke much thought. I've thought the video game censorship thing over before, but the beating thing I haven't.
    It's very logical. we are taught through many difference sources, the best way to solve a problem is to approach that problem at the source. "nip it in the bud" attack it at the roots. So many expressions, all meaning the same thing. The future is riding on the children of today, In 35 years. Today's toddlers will be in the white house. the U.N and in positions of power all over the world. it's imperative that we teach our children morals and beliefs that will make the world a better place to live.

    But without discipline, children are missing out on learning from their mistakes. and that's just no way for a child to grow up in today's problematic world.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Actually I don't see the electronic babysitter as the major problem. Its more the media that is being channeled through it. I grew up with the television as being my source of certain values that I could contribute to society. As a child I loved the simpsons (still do) and it taught me some morals and personalities traits that id never see in real life. A baby sitter can be a good contributer towards the child's life if he/she is a nice caring person while a bad sitter could traumatize the child or even confuse him/her and make them think certain things are right because the sitter was a bad example on the child.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pibs View Post
    Actually I don't see the electronic babysitter as the major problem. Its more the media that is being channeled through it. I grew up with the television as being my source of certain values that I could contribute to society. As a child I loved the simpsons (still do) and it taught me some morals and personalities traits that id never see in real life. A baby sitter can be a good contributer towards the child's life if he/she is a nice caring person while a bad sitter could traumatize the child or even confuse him/her and make them think certain things are right because the sitter was a bad example on the child.
    While some shows on television teach acceptable morals and personality traits to children. Tv has became increasingly smutty and violent, take the simpsons 10 years ago and compare it to the simpsons today. while its the same show, you would have to admit. The simpsons have became a little bolder about the swears. In the simpsons game. it is especially noticeable. there are a few sexual references. marge on several occasions. calls herself a Milf. 'A MILF!" while she has a horde of children following her. the implications for such humor are staggering.

    and maybe a little sick..

    The simpsons is a great show, I still watch it. but I wouldn't let a child watch the show past season 10.

    I mean look at the movie. it may be something a lot of people look at and say thats acceptable or even cute. idk. but in the movie, bart rides a skateboard in full frontal nudity. and later on gets drunk on whisky. is this the same simpsons you grew up watching? the simpsons have changed bro

    My point would be, that tv has changed a lot in the last ten years. but that's not even a side point. the real point is. Nothing is a substitute for a parents time and care to explain things and put those thing into a proper context.

    and even dicipline when its necessary.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    But without discipline, children are missing out on learning from their mistakes. and that's just no way for a child to grow up in today's problematic world.
    ^^couldn't say it better mysefl!

    Totally agree, and I wouldn't want to watch past the 10th season HAHA after conan stop writing for them they lost their charm.

    or maybe its the fact that we are old geezers and complain about everything? im only 18 but i feel like 80 in this world of booty dancing music

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