New version of the front end for PC.



- Select parent game was bugged
- Access violation with columns profiles if a column index is invalid
- Several visual bugs
- Button "Resize screenshots area" was not working correctly in some layout
- Prev/next images browse buttons were bugged (blue ones)
- Image types auto cycle feature not working in some cases
- Add/remove to/from favorites/hidden list was not working right
- MAME features: "record .wav; .mng"; "record/play .inp; .sta" was not working. Funny no one reported this... does anyone use these features ? Sad
- Button "Clear Selected" not working in "Delete Multiple Games Files"
- Several cosmetic fixes (too many to list)
- Open picture dialog, replaced by open file dialog


- Image type is now known as "Image Category". Entries in "EmuLoader.ini are changed as well
- Renamed "Show Command Line Before Running Game" to "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" (main menu "View")
- Renamed "Auto Cycle Previous/Next Image Types" to "Image Category Prev/Next Auto Switch" (images popup menu)
- Column "Description" renamed to "Title"
- Renamed "Resize screenshots area" to "Center Splitters (Resize Images)" (images popup menu)
- Feature "Automatic Game Documents" is now called "View Game Documents"
- You cannot rename image files while in layouts view
- Replaced game documents tool bar panel by a popup menu (mouse right-click)
- Moved "\resources\msgbox_icons\" folder to "\resoureces\images\msgbox_icons\"

Download and give feedback via comments