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Thread: directions??

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Mar 2008
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    Default directions??

    i recently got the psp-290 gps for my psp

    i got everything working with mapthis, but im pretty disapointed

    to get directions i have to go on my comp and do it ahead of time? i thought i would be able to type in 2 adresses and mapthis or any other software would map out the route

    its still pretty cool to have my exact location, speed, etc on the screen, but directions would be so much better

    is anyone working on this? i dont see any reason why this wouldnt be possible

  2. #2


    THe problem with directions is the amount of data you need - which also is not free.

    You would need the postcode of every road in the country to create viabe direction routes. GMDL uses the free data sources but there is no "on-the-move" software yet.

    As i said - GMDL can download Geodata of your country onto your PSP - but t uses the free sources which is no where near the entire country.ts possible people are working on it but 2 be honest there isn't much they can do in my opinion


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