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Thread: Asus expects Windows Eee PC to outsell Linux counterpart 6 to 4

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    IRC Chat Asus expects Windows Eee PC to outsell Linux counterpart 6 to 4

    via Engadget

    Asus has never been one to shy away from making from making bold predications about it's fast-selling Eee PC, and it's now come out with yet another feat of prognostication, saying that it expects it's forthcoming Windows-based Eee PC to outsell its Linux-based counterpart by a ratio of 6 to 4.

    As PC World points out, that's despite the fact that the Windows version will cost nearly twice as much as the cheapest Linux-based Eee PC. Asus chairman Jonney Shih seems undaunted by that fact, however, and assures us that "a lot of people have been waiting for the Windows version."

  2. #2
    King of killed the_eternal_dark's Avatar
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    Somehow I'm not shocked. But in turn, I feel the EEEPC will lose some of it's uniqueness by having XP installed by default. Look at the stock Xandros install, there hasn't been many more systems on the market with an OS that easy to use. With Windows installed, it will be "just another Windows computer, complete with viruses/other malware" and not only that, a full, standard install of XP usually outweighs even the heaviest Linux distros out there, and when you add security software to XP, the size grows even more. And then trialware, another storage eater.

    Also, the price-point outlined in this article is just an assumption, probably that XP will only be installed on the 12GB model and the Linux model will be on the cheapest. I say wait and see, and if I need a new EEEPC, you can bet your ass that I will be getting the Linux version, no questions asked.

  3. #3
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    I bet you would. For me, if I do manage to save some cash and get an EEE PC, I'll be on with linux as well. No need for Windows XP when my workstation already has it.

  4. #4
    King of killed the_eternal_dark's Avatar
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    Well, I'd mostly be getting the Linux version due to pricing in the long run, and not only that, hasn't MS made enough money off XP sales already?

    Something is telling me that Dell+Ubuntu may be looking into putting a similar device together in the near future (maybe an XPS M930?).

  5. #5


    Windows will always sell more than Linux, it is more known than the last one.

  6. #6
    King of killed the_eternal_dark's Avatar
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    More and more people are using Linux every day. Blah blah blah, Windows will only sell more because it's been forced down people's throats since grade school, or at least in my age group, and business use it because it's what people are used to (going back to the school statement). MS is talented in marketing, I'll give you that, but it's OS's are $#@! compared to others out there in the world. I'd say, in 10 or so years, Mac and Linux will be overtaking Windows in market share. Just watch.

  7. #7


    Doesnt anyone notice the wierd ratio? 6:4 is 3:2, thats simple math people...

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