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Thread: Code::Blocks - DC Dev R2

  1. #1

    Default Code::Blocks - DC Dev R2

    As of this release I'm no longer releasing the dependent configurator or the manual tutorial separately as I will include it in future releases of DC Dev ISO.

    Here is the list of changes.

    - GDB is setup and working
    - bin2o program (located in the "Tools" menu)
    - MinGW 3.4.6 toolchain
    - KOS updated to revision 561
    - KOS built in MinGW
    - dc-tool IP and Serial included and built in MinGW (/kos/utils/dc-tool)
    - scramble has been included (/kos/utils/scramble)
    - SDL headers and lib issues has been resolved
    - Option to compress the toolchain using UPX

    This is working with the official February 08 release (8.02) of CodeBlocks, so if you're still using the nightlies then now is the perfect time upgrade I think.

    GDB is working. However, after you run the debugger (by pressing the "Debug / Continue" button) do not push it again or push the "Run to cursor" button as they will reset your DC. Hopefully someone will convince the CodeBlocks guys to pass "continue" to GDB rather than "run," or at least the option to change this behavior.

    To build a romdisk:
    Goto Tools, genromfs (indep).
    Then Tools, bin2o (indep).
    Open romdisk.img and save it as romdisk.o.

    I recommend you also grab dc-tool GUI and extract it to a permanent home and add it as one of the tools.
    Name: dc-tool GUI
    Executable: D:\dreamcast\pc tools\dctoolgui\dctoolgui.exe
    Don't forget to check "Start GDB server" in the settings of dc-tool GUI if you want to use GDB.
    Last edited by fackue; March 15th, 2008 at 01:38. Reason: changed link to dcemu's wiki

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    Default Cb 10.5

    What about C::B 10.5 support as it is a major release?

    Of cource, really nice work with your previous work on the C::B DCDEV pack! ;-)

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