Quirky has posted another WIP Post on his Bunjalloo project:

An update on the status of Bunjalloo. I'm fiddling about with options and how to present them at the moment. Last release saw a change in the way I deal with configuration. Up until 0.5.4, the release zip would overwrite the config.ini, search.cfg and allowed cookies file. It was pretty unlikely that many people actually changed these files, since the configurable things have been a bit limited and changing them required a bit of effort, but as options are added it is more and more likely. Well, now it will be possible to change the language and default download location from a configuration screen. The design is typically lo-fi, but seems to work okay.

Next up is to make the list of pages allowed to set cookies editable. The default behaviour of all popular browsers - allow anyone to set any cookie - is not a very wise choice from a privacy point of view. So I've gone the other way and made the list of allowed sites whitelist-based. If you're not on the list, you're not setting cookies. However, in order to add a site to the list one has to use an external editor, which isn't too user friendly. A way to do this from a settings screen is on the list of things to do.

If the release doesn't drag on, I also want to add an automatic updater, as suggested by Sarvesh. This will probably be semi-automatic - i.e. a button with "check for updates" - since the DS network is not the fastest and over zealous checking would be most irritating. This requires adding (at least) unzip support, so would be quite a big addition. It would also mean that zip files could be opened up from within Bunjalloo, which might be interesting.

If I manage all that, which is not likely, I also want to add configurable quick searches. These are searches that are triggered by typing a single letter followed by the search term into the address entry text box. Currently these are hard wired in the search.cfg file (g, y and w for Gogle, Yahoo and Wikipedia), but a system similar to Firefox's quick search wouldn't be too tough to add.

Of course if you would like to see any other features, or help speed up the addition of the above ones, patches are always welcome. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has tried to compile the source code, and how it went.
