via Kotaku

The folks at CrispyGamer got a chance to corner NIS America's PR Manager Jack Niida to talk a bit about the much anticipated release of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness on the DS. It's a short interview, but there is some interesting information in there including some talk of the game appearing on other consoles. Since the game will probably mostly be purchased by fans of the franchise, the obvious question would be, what's new?

The main feature of Disgaea DS is the multi-player mode. Fans that are tired of the original can still get a kick out of this game by destroying their buddy's Laharl and Etna...

The intuitive stylus controls and dual screen is a huge plus, but there are newly added features and characters from our past titles, so there is still a lot of oomph left in this game.

Niida goes on to mention that this version of the game will include everything from the PSP version plus extra content. For Digaea fans this should prove to quite interesting news.