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Thread: Converting Tourist Trophy bikes to a format recognized by Curious Lab's Poser 6

  1. #1

    Default Converting Tourist Trophy bikes to a format recognized by Curious Lab's Poser 6

    First off, I'd like to give the community my greetings, I'm fresh and new here and hope to be a regular from now on.

    Right, on with the question:

    I'm looking, in short, to import a particular motorcycle form Polyphony Digital's Tourist Trophy into Curious Lab's Poser 6 program. I'm using XP and a DVDROM drive and nothing else as yet.

    Is this possible at all?
    What else do I need? (Preferably freeware)
    How do I go about it?

    I'm very aware that I'll most likely need to use a long chain of programs and or tools to get to my destination, and I was hoping to find out how to get to the 3D file itself in these forums, so that I may ask the right questions on a 3D forum somewhere else.

    Here is a list of the files on the ROM I think might be relevant, most probably aren't, but I'm a complete newbie and don't know my .VOL's from my .IRX's, so please be nice.

    IOPRP300 (IMG file)


    I'd better just mention, I'm absolutely new to any kind of programming and am numerically dyslexic, so anything number wise goes right over my head. Please feel free to post absolutely any info or advice you may have though, no matter how in depth it is as it's better than nothing, even if I don't get a word of it.

    I've looked all over the place for information and only managed to find some very basic info on what the .IRX extention is about, and that's very very basic. There seems to be nothing out there.

    If I'm in the wrong place or I'm saying all the wrong stuff, please point me in the right direction as I'm completely lost!

    Lastly, I'd like to thank you very much for taking the time to read my annoyingly long post.

    Take care all!

    Just a note, this would also be good to do on Gran Turismo 4 as I'm sure the procedure would be the same.
    Last edited by glen_drums; March 18th, 2008 at 22:43.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Tesseract's Avatar
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    The IRX files in my experience have largely been Device drivers. USBD.IRX, for example, is used to interface with a USB device.

    If that's a full file listing, then you might have to dig around a little deeper, since it would seem that all of the necessary in-game assets would likely be squashed into the largest file there. If that's the case, you'll have to find out if there's a file extractor online to help you get at the chewy bits.

  3. #3



    Ok, well that explains a lot thanks! Actually I did look on the dvd again and found the file TT.VOL which is the biggest at 2.75 gig. So the bikes, tracks, music and interfaces and stuff will all be in here? In that case, does anyone know of a tool that can open up a .VOL file as in this case so I can see what I've got?

    Many thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular Tesseract's Avatar
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    I think you've found the mother lode there... as for a program that would open it up...

    Well, after a short jaunt through Google, I found a different method, using this program that allows you to rip the 3D model from whatever DirectX is displaying.

    The trick here, is that you then plug your Tourist Trophy disc into PCSX2 (PC Playstation2 Emulator) and wait for the right moment.

    Lemme know if this works for you! Shame that that game came out way before Yamaha announced the Tesseract bike. That thing's sexy....

    If it doesn't work, please refer to the advice in my Avatar.
    Last edited by Tesseract; March 20th, 2008 at 21:09.

  5. #5


    Cool, thanks for the info. Tried this out earlier, took me a while as I didn't have a clue about the PS2 bios. I managed to get a pack off p2p, so that bit's done. I'm having a few problems, it seems to load fine, then comes up with the error window telling me it needs to close...

    Do I need to have anything special in my hardware area at all? Cos' I aint! Lol, I think I'm a N00B!! I'll take a look at all my system spec, if I can find out how to find out about it... Errmm... Ok, then I'll post my spec on here and see if anyone laughs at my old crappy pc from the dark ages, made from wood, wicker, stones and pig skin!!

    Lol... Oooohhhh please don't flame!!!!!

  6. #6


    I had a look but couldn't find anything for graphics or 3d or anything. I'm really not doing this right am I?

    Ok, so I reckon my system is not good enough to run PS2 games, but I'm hoping I can still access the files. Also, I checked the compatibility list for PCSX2 and all it had for TT was "Intro", I'm assuming that means it'll only play the opening movie?

    We'll get this thing off the ground eventually, I'm sure of it!

  7. #7
    DCEmu Regular Tesseract's Avatar
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    Possibly. You didn't really tell me what was crashing. Is is PCSX2 or 3DRipper? If it's PCSX2, then you should just make sure that you're using all the right plugins and that your hardware's up to snuff.

    I don't have a copy of TT, so I couldn't test that game specifically, but if you still run into issues, I can give another game a try with 3DRipper to see if I can learn anything.

  8. #8


    hi, it was pcsx2, sorry.
    I'm sure of the fact my system can't run such hi spec stuff tbh, its really very basic, gettin it to render poser is enough to ask really! lol!

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular Tesseract's Avatar
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    Yah, and I think the more recent builds of PCSX2 required a multi-core processor (or at least one with Hyperthreading enabled).

    So that brings us to the original problem of trying to extract the info directly from the disc. From what I know of this kind of thing, you generally have to treat each game on a case-by-case basis. Each game uses different ways of storing the information, so you'd be highly unlikely to find a universal utility. Tourist Trophy wasn't NEARLY popular enough to warrant a community project on something like this, and it's rather unlikely that someone with the right skills would spend his time on something so few would be able to appreciate.

    Just for an example, check out Halkun's work on extracting the model info from FF7 and 8. I used to work with the bloke iRL a few years back and he'd regale me with fascinating stories of how twisted game programmers had to make things just to make them playable.

  10. #10


    Oh, bugger!

    All I want's a fridgin bike for Poser! Oh I knew I should've been a nerd at school, instead of playing drums...

    Well, if there really is nothing out there then... I may aswell give in. You did say that TT wasn't popular enough for anything to have been made didn't you? Well what about GT4? TT is based around that game so if there's something for that, it might just be possible.

    Just a note, I have an AMD Duron processor, and everything on my system is about the same era and wow-ness as that, so... Errr... NOT HAPPENIN!! Lol, effin shoebox!

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