via Computer and Video Games

Ubisoft has told CVG that the official stance on Haze remains that it's exclusive to PS3 "for now", in response to recent reports that the FPS will never come to 360.

Stories on the 'net today report that unnamed Ubisoft spokespersons attending the Live event in Wembley Stadium, London, over the weekend confirmed that the nectar-fuelled shooter will only ever appear on PS3.

But Ubisoft has told us that the game is "exclusive on PS3 for now". The "for now" part is what leads to 'timed exclusive' speculation.

It was originally expected for PS3, 360 and PC, but later shifted to lead on PS3, with other formats thought to follow. Ubisoft has never outright confirmed that it will be a permanent PS3 exclusive.

Maybe it's waiting to see how well it does on Sony's console first.