via IGN

Square Enix Inc announced today that Final Fantasy A2: Grimoire of the Rift, the third game in the Ivalice-based tactics series that has been in Japan since October of last year, will be released June 24, 2008.

Grimoire of the Rift is the lastest in the series of Ivalice Alliance titles, taking place in the mythical world of Ivalice. The game follows Luso Clemens, a mischievous young boy that gets transported to Ivalice via a magical book.

The FF Tactics series is a turn-based, grid-oriented battle system. Grimoire of the Rift is the sequel to the 2003 GBA game. This is the first time the series has been on the Nintendo DS, and Square Enix has promised new features for this version, including upgraded visuals and stylus control.

Fans of the FF series will see characters from Final Fantasy XII, including Vaan, Penelo, and Al-Cid.

Gamers that haven't experienced the Tactics line are still encouraged to try FF Tactics A2 since the developers have made it more accessible, while at the same time adding new depth for veteran players.

"Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift makes the tactical RPG genre accessible to fans who may be unfamiliar with the grid-based battle system," said Director Yuichi Murasawa. "While maintaining the classic functionality of the much-loved gameplay, this newest release boasts upgrades that enable a more engrossing and fulfilling tactical RPG experience."