News/release from DCIberia

This game beyond any documentation has been developed by: Patrick Gerdsmeier and is a quick port to Dreamcast made by Ron. This is sú original web page. The game comes in 9 different languages! (Includes Source, Linux, FreeBSD and Win32)

HighMoon is a game similar to the "artillery" or "worms" - but it takes place in the universe. A system of planets between two flying saucers. The gravitational fields on the planets and moons inevitably generate changes in each ballistic curve. If you perdeis, shooting can change their direction and become dangerous for the attacker.

HighMoon? You can play against the Dreamcast or a human opponent in the planetary system.

In NullDC and Demul is well supported and is playable.

Updated 19/3/08: Indiket has improved the port and it is compatible with the keyboard and the pad DC


1 Player vs. Computer
2 Player vs. Player
3 vs. Computer Computer (Demo on Titlescreen)
UP Flying Saucer Move Up
Flying Saucer DOWN Move Down
LEFT Decrease Shootangle
RIGHT Increase Shootangle
RETURN Weapon Use Extras to buy or Shieldpower
SPACE Keep pressed to increase Power. Release for Shooting
The Galaxy TAB Changes
Toggle F1 Help-Scroller? On / off
F2 Toggle Language
C Toggles Computerstrength (Trainee. Insane ..)
Toggle Window F / Fullscreen
S Toggle Sound on / off

L Quit
A Shooting
B Teleport
R Language
And 1 Player
X 2 Players

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