have a look on this Lua work...
Here is my new Homebrew Lua Application

Find My COordinates
Coded in LUA by R. Yonaba(SeanPaul223)
special Thanks to Xtreamlua

What's this..?
Find my coordinates is a homebrew Lua App that i've performed to help Lua Coders to define their text position on the screen.Wa all know that the Lua fonction we use to print texts goes with and X and Y values, which defines the text localization on the screen.Sometimes, it appears hard to estimate these coordoninates.With this Homebrew, it's now easiest to define u'r text coordinates.
Only what u have to do is to move a block using the D-Pad.After u've set your position, you can read the X and Y values or better, simply press cross button to export coordinates into two text files( "X.txt" and "Y.txt") into the Data folder of this Homebrew..
Isn't it cool, eh..?


Menu screen
Help screen
PSP fat compatible
PSP slim compatible(using LuaPlayerHm v4.0--thanks to Homemister)

Connect your PSP to PC using USB connect and extracts the contents of this archive into oyut PSP/GAME folder.


Cross: Help
Square: Quit
Start: Start the homebrew

D-Pad: Move your text
Cross: Export Coordinates
Circle:Back to Menu

This is just a simple tool i've developed, so they won't be any update i guess...


Download:Find My Text Coordinates.zip