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Thread: [Release] Luigi World v1

  1. #1
    DCEmu Coder
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    Mar 2008
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    Default [Release] Luigi World v1

    Luigi World v1
    Coded By Roland YOnaba(seanPaul223)

    What's this?

    Luigi World is a new Lua Homebrew game..You are Luigi, the famous italian Mario's brother, and you'll have to go trough many Levels to collect diamonds.
    Each diamond collected increases your score

    This first release contains only one levels,that you'll finish wen your score reaches 50.

    For the next One, i'll
    -Add New Levels
    -Add Ennemies
    -Add music
    -Optimise graphics
    -and others stuffs...

    Works On PSPFats
    Works On PSPSim (thanks to Homemister's LuaPlayerHm v5.0)

    So simple..Extracts the contents of the archive into yout PSP/GAME repertory.

    Squarely Everything is done with cross Button, others buttons are precised while playing.

    Special Thanks To
    -XtreamLua Forums
    -Devsgens forums
    -UltimatePSP forums


  2. #2


    It's neat, I suppose... Though the white background is blinding, you're actually playing as Mario, and clearly the concept doesn't make for the most entertaining game, because there's not really many coins and you always jump the same height and speed and you can't lose. Still, this shows that you're getting somewhere in your scripting and it's a good practice.

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