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Thread: Project4 Open Beta 3 Released

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Project4 Open Beta 3 Released

    News/release from Auraomega

    Ok, this will probably come as a supprise to a lot of people, but I have worked really hard in the past few days to get (what I believe to be) a suffient amount of changes to Project4 to constitute a new release.

    For those who know, I lost all my source codes at college, and they have yet to be found, I also hadn't taken a backup, or had I? I found a backup taken the day after release of Open Beta 2, and started working like a mad man on that. Updates may be a little sparce, but at least there are some, and I hate breaking with tradition (note the release day of other releases).

    So why all the secrecy about my workings on Open Beta 3? Well I didn't want to let everyone know I was working on it again incase I couldn't update it enough, or incase I just could face continuing on with it, only my testers, plus 2 other individuals had found out that Project4 lives on.

    So whats new in this version? Lots, considering the time period I had, I'm not going to get deeply into everything thats been changed as its all in the readme, but I will explain the new installer, to face up to problems with patching speed, mainly on 3.60+ I wrote an installer that runs on a computer, with the PSPs flash0 mounted via USB. Running on the computer it runs at the computers speed which means the patching process is increased dramattically. The installer is only command line based, with no GUI, but its only a temporary solution until I get chance to work on the installers for the PSP, or find I get a new, more reliable patch running. There is currently no un-installer, this will hopefully arrive tomorrow.

    REMEMBER - You must have enough space in flash0 to install, for pre 3.60 versions, thats about 750kb, for anything 3.60 and above, you need about 1.5mb


    Heres whats new etc from the readmefile:

    Updates since Open Beta 2:
    Added a boot sound.
    Added an option to turn the bootsound on or off.
    Added an optional filebrowser background, perfect for people who find their normal background doesn't go well in the filebrowser or gets in the way.
    Added a clock.
    Added the ability to move the clock around the screen.
    Changed the code to load the EBOOT menu when entering a folder with an EBOOT.PBP inside, only applies if using the "Request" option.
    Allowed the icons to be varying sizes, giving the ability to customise the menu even more than before. Icon sizes are determined during bootup, so no editing in the config required.
    Moved the selected icon to the centre, instead of the first.
    When playing music, album art can be showed as long as Folder.jpg is present in the directory.
    Added M3U playlist support, which works in all directories above or below unlike previous versions.
    Added the "Low Key Music Player" which is like a very basic version of LightMP3 installed in the flash, when booting up the PSP if you press the left shoulder button it is loaded, and plays music in the file ms0:/PSP/MUSIC/LKMP.m3u. The clock speed is drastically reduced, making this a good option for those who use their PSPs as their main mp3 player.
    Added some notes saying how to save, and how to temp save the config.
    Changed the about screen to make it appear neater, and compacted the lists.
    Centralised the menus (mount, request, extended) which looks neater, also changed the colour scheme for them.
    Updated the default config written to comply with the updated code.
    Added a [#] to each of the options that do not yet work, these are mounting of flash3, XMB loading, and resetting the PSP.
    Added a device mounter that can mount:
    Flash0:/ (read mode only)
    Disc0:/ (untested but should work)
    Host0:/ (assuming RemoteJoy or other plugins are loaded)


    Bug fixes for Open Beta 3:
    The "Extended Menu" now shows all options, instead of only a few.
    The filebrowser now no longer runs off the bottom.
    Some basic memory leaks, there still exists 2 in the filebrowser, these will hopefully be worked out by Open Beta 4.
    Changed some spelling mistakes.
    When pressing circle to drop a directory, you must also let go before you drop, which should stop dropping directories at a fast speed.


    Config updates:
    Basic info on editing the config, the default config is:
    0 6 4 4 5 ms0:/PSP/EMU ms0:/PSP/GAME ms0:/PSP/APPS ms0:/PSP/MUSIC ms0:/PSP/EBOOKS ms0:/PICTURES 0 0 0 98 0 197 480 15
    0 6 4 4 5 refers to settings edited in the config menu on Project4, so theres not much point in getting into that. The next 6 options are locations for the icons to load. The next 6 options are co-ords for icons, the final 2 are the co-ords for the clock. The graphics on the clock is drawn upwards, not down, so you should compensate by adding 15 on to the value (15 being the least value to get it on screen without going over the top).


    Locations of some additions:
    Boot sound goes in flash1:/P4/intro.mp3
    Filebrowser background goes in flash1:/P4/fb.png

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  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    Wow sounds awesome =D

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    what are the chances of it bricking?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    I don't know if anyone can really answer that =P If it does though I'm sure you can just use Pandora, but regardless the odds of bricking are always slim if you are doing things correctly.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yup, I tested it and it works. A very good alternative with the MP3 module (like LightMP3) that save battery when I listen to MP3 cause it starts at startup without loading XMB so it reduce CPU speed dramatically !

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    installer didnt work for me, says that the version check failed, im on 3.90 m33-2

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