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Thread: Q3 BSP Collisions

  1. #1

    Default Q3 BSP Collisions

    While the main object of this post is to find out if people still post here, I do have an actual question.

    I'm interested to find out whether anyone knows of any good information concerning collision detection and response with quake3 bsp format maps.

    I can successfully load and draw the polygons but have trouble finding out whether the polygon is passable or solid in my collision detection routine.

    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks .

  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Why would a polygon be passable?

  3. #3


    Ah a familiar name, I didn't notice that you posted here yaustar.

    That was actually supposed to be 'plane section' rather than 'polygon'. My implementation will collide with any bsp split plane whether there is a polygon in the way or not.

    What I wish to figure out is to find whether the section of plane I am colliding with is actually within a polygon, if so respond to collision as usual, if not ignore collision and continue.

  4. #4
    PSP Coder
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    Sep 2005
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    Use the actual brush information to determin which surfaces are colidable or not. This will allow you to transverse though water with out coliding with it as a hard surface.

    As well you will need to check the "shaders" (not reall shaders, just q3 texture info) to find out what kind of surface you went though.

    There is a great tutorial out there for Q3 collisions. It's what I used on iris.

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