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Thread: The PSP Scene - What the future Holds

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default The PSP Scene - What the future Holds

    Having followed the PSP scene before Nems Hello World release, infact 8 months before that release. I have seen it all, ive seen the emergence of a great console with a fantastic homebrew scene and excellent commercial games. The PSP like every console starts off with millions of sites and a lot of them have invaded the homebrew arena and claim they are the sole source but as you know theres no one source even if people cant see that.

    The first few months since the release of Hello World was the most work ive ever endured for one console scene with the great Japanese coders releasing many new versions of emulators sometimes 2 and 3 times a day, of course that cant carry on and the release of UMD loaders and the sad newsposting of these loaders at sites that claim to be for homebrew did a lot of damage as many coders refused to see their emulator in between warez loaders.

    Software releases like Lua Player has enabled a mass of inexperianced coders to release software for the PSP and we owe a lot to Shine and Nevyn for the excellent release they brought to our Scene.

    Fanjita and his work on the Eboot Loader for v2.0 PSPs has also been an awesome piece of work.

    Theres been so much great software released that at some stage it will slow down and that time is coming, eventually you will see a couple of releases per week and hopefully that will be enough to keep people interested in the Homebrew and Emulation scene for the PSP but as new Commercial games are released with Firmware that closes the doors to homebrew even tighter will you keep with homebrew or go to the commercial gaming side.

    In the future we will see much more use of ASM and maybe just maybe we will see full speed GBA, PSX and a possible playable N64 emulator.

    Whatever happens we will be here in the long run

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie DraconumPB's Avatar
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    And this has been the best site for covering homebrew ^^

    I've followed your site pretty much every day since I started getting into homebrew, including when I upgraded to 2.00 and couldn't play it anymore.. I waited faithfully every day for news of the downgrader! And it was this homepage I saw the news on. So, great work wraggster, you've really been a great human aggregator of all the best PSP homebrew news.

    Other sites may look prettier but when the content/coverage is so good who the hell cares??!?

    As a webmaster to another, I bow down.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie Mew's Avatar
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    Great and true article, wraggster but:
    n the future we will see much more use of ASM and maybe just maybe we will see full speed GBA, PSX and a possible playable N64 emulator.
    PSX? N64???? You're kidding!!!! o_o

  4. #4
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    Ya thats right, people will start to drop homebrew for the actual psp games comming out now. Hey there worth it and are the first really interesting games to play to say I will get rid of my emulation for it. It was a hard decision to do but at the same time enjoying GTA and the new Socom at ver 2.0. Hopefully ill be able to finally get over these games in a few months and get back to homebrew but seeing as theres multiple other games on the horizon that look extremely good I doubt homebrew will be for me any time soon.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    PSX is possible...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie ddblue's Avatar
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    Just update the snes emulator one more time, and get the GBA emulator up to full speed! Then you can drop emulating like a hot rock, and I'll still be happy

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    The PSP [edit: whoops, I meant the PS1 :P] has already been emulated on a Tapwave Zodiac... which has a 200 mhz processor and no 3d support (mind you, 3d games run at 1fps, but 2d games are actually playable :P).

    What I'd Genuinely love is seing someone manage to get Kernel mode going on 2.0.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    We can be pleased that 2.0 games are still working on 1.5 (like Pursuit Force)

    Just can't wait to have a stick more than 2 (4?) GB!

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie bobcobb's Avatar
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    Kernel on 2.0, and homebrew won't die. (And on the preceeding firmware releases as well)

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