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Thread: DSwiki - Offline Wikipedia Reader version 0.1alpha3

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS DSwiki - Offline Wikipedia Reader version 0.1alpha3

    News/release from ollipolli


    I have released version 0.1alpha3 of my first real project for the DS.
    It is called DSwiki, and it is an offline viewer for the wikipedia or all other wikis which are based on the mediawiki framework.

    A sample wiki (German Wikiquotes) is available here:
    The interface language is german, but there are only some status messages.

    Pre-made wikipedia-dumps for DSwiki

    German edition:
    English edition:

    More instructions on the installation und usage can be found in the README below. Two images are attached, the first showing a normal wiki article, the second showing the very good Unicode support.

    Please test DSwiki and give me some feedback.

    Have Fun!


    DSwiki (v0.1alpha3)

    DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the
    Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, ...

    DSwiki is NOT a web browser!

    Why DSwiki?

    DSwiki is optimal for all people with a Nintendo DS that like to
    have their information "portable", but cannot access the Internet
    directly. So far, no Program was very good in displaying the
    Wikipedia on the DS. NewDictS can display an uncompressed dump, but
    this dump is outdated, and the Wikipedia has grown dramatically
    since then, so compression was absolutely necessary. In addition,
    most homebrew programs can't handle UTF-8.

    DSwiki is based on

    -- NewDictS <>
    Thanks to sesa for graphics-/unicode- and font-routines

    -- Wiki2Touch <>
    Thanks to Tom Haukap for the file format and index routines

    -- libbzip2 <>

    -- Terminus fonts <>

    -- GNU Unifont <> [DOWN]
    Thanks to Roman Czyborra


    -- Get the complete(!) Wikipedia on a Nintendo DS. The English language
    edition fits on a 4GB storage device, the German edition is just 1.1GB.
    -- Quite good handling of internal links. Alternative display text
    and appended letters are supported to create the same look as
    in the online version.
    -- Very good Unicode/UTF8-Support (as much - or as little - as the
    underlying font covers)
    -- A cache to navigate quickly the history of visited pages

    Planned Features

    -- Much better markup display
    -- Bookmarks
    -- Improved Search (advanced input)
    -- Navigation by document structure (jump to headlines or
    jump from link to link as in text browsers)
    -- "Find as you type" inside an article
    -- Memory saving font handling, switching between fonts on the fly
    -- Customization


    At the moment DSwiki can't do more than display mostly unformatted
    wiki markup of articles (but word and line breaks and a proportional
    font make it easy readable).

    DSwiki works as follows:

    A random article will be loaded at the start.

    Up/Down: Scroll one line backward/forward

    Left/Right: Scroll one page backward/forward

    Stylus: Follow a link on the bottom screen

    L/R: Go one page back/forward in history

    A: Go to another random article

    X: Index-assisted search on/off

    Articles names (no unicode yet) can be entered
    on the keyboard.

    Touching the red button clears the input field.

    The D-Pad navigates through the index.

    The current highlighted article name can be loaded
    either by
    * touching the green button
    * pressing A
    * touching Enter on the virtual keyboard


    1. Copy DSwiki.nds somewhere on your flash card, DLDI-patch it if

    2. Create dumps of your favorite wiki or download already prepared ones.
    Visit <> for a list.

    3. Copy dewiki.ao1, dewiki.ao2, dewiki.dbz, dewiki.idx and dewiki.ifo
    into the root directory of your flash card.

    IMPORTANT: These names are fixed at the moment, so use them
    anyway, even if you want to use a different language/wiki.


    -- The german article "ß" is not found correctly.

    Have Fun!

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie Dagangstah's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
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    I didn't read the whole thing but, this is Wikipedia on the DS?
    Every single article on Wikipedia is on this?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
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    Ergh, 4GB. I doubt many people have that much storage on their DS. Still cool, but I wish there was a smaller version with maybe the most popular articles or something, around 500MB size.

  4. #4


    How would you go about making your own dumps?

  5. #5


    Is there any chance of getting this file on normal download? Been downloading for two days with bit torrent and now there are no seeds online, so can't complete.

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