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Thread: The DCEmu Interview - Question 41 - Have You Ran Into Internet Hardmen/BullyBoys ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News The DCEmu Interview - Question 41 - Have You Ran Into Internet Hardmen/BullyBoys ?

    A feature i did a few years ago and one im going to repeat now is the DCEmu Interview, a unique idea in which questions are asked by me to the Whole DCEmu Community its a way to learn more about each others and find out what our interests are and much more

    Todays Question is Have You Ran Into Internet Hardmen/BullyBoys ? - If so give some details

    Give your Answer via Comments.

    We want your DCEmu Interview Questions, Post any good questions Here

    Remember to check out our DCEmu Interview Site to catch up on previous DCEmu Interview Questions

    Heres the other DCEMU Questions - Answer as many as you can

    The DCEmu Interview - Question 1 - What Consoles Do You Own ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 2 - Whats Your Favourite Console Of All Time
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 3 - Whats Your New Years Resolution ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 4 - What Got you Interested in Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 5 - Whats the greatest Game Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 6 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Console?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 7 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Handheld?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 8 - Whos the Greatest Homebrew Hacker/Coder and Why ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 9 - Whats the Greatest Emulator Released?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 10 - What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 11 - Whats the Greatest Platform Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 12 - Whats the Greatest FPS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 13 - Whats the Greatest Sports Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 14 - How Excited Are You In Todays Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 15 - Whats the Greatest RTS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 16 - What Would Make the Perfect Homebrew Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 17 - What Are the Best/Worst Online Games Shops?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 18 - Name all the Consoles You have done Homebrew On ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 19 - What Emulators are the Best In the Console Scene
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 20 - Whats The Best Gamepad/Controller Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 21 - How Would You Improve the Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 22 - What Do You Want Off Santa For Xmas ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 23 - What Was The First Game You Beat?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 24 - Whats Your Longest Gaming time in One Session?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 25 - What Screen do you use for gaming?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 26 - Whats The Longest You Have Spent Playing One Game
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 27 - Whats The Worst Console/Computer You Have Owned?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 28 - Which is Best for Homebrew, Handheld or Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 29 - What was the Homebrew Main Event of 2008?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 30 - Whats The Next Console Your Going to Buy ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 31 - How Long have you Been into Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 32 - What Internet Browser Do You Use ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 33 - What Search Engine Do You Use?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 34 - Whats The Best Console for Snes Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 35 - Whats The Best Console for N64 Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 36 - Do You Cheat at Games ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 37 - Whats the Best Console for PSX Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 38 - Whats the Best Console for Megadrive Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 39 - Have You Ever Modded Your Consoles ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 40 - Whats Your Next Gadget/Console Buy?

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    My answer would be yes quite often, its amazing how hard people are behind a keyboard when in real life they are wimps, obviously its not always the case but youll find out that most of the very public hardmen are actually idiots who spend far too much time at a pc instead of the real world.

    Should be an interesting thread for replies. :P

  3. #3
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    lol only hustling messages from online gameplay, then I prove em wrong, I can handle myself in reality but no bully lol but I know the type u mean, probably a majority of them are pot heads that be like it online, u can tell on mics

  4. #4


    Well right now it's all getting a bit nasty between Freeplay and Erique555 over on qj

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie Xcliber's Avatar
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    Yeah, they're everywhere. I don't mind it when they are telling off a real n00b who knows absolutely nothing about something but claims to be a pro at it. I don't think I've ever been on the end being bullied on the net. I've run into some real jerks but I can handle them for the most part.

  6. #6
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    I've realised recently that my responses on the DSLinux forums were getting more and more terse, verging on the downright rude in some cases. - Toys out the pram - Rant - Terse response - Sounding like an arsehole - This ones my personal favourite
    (Can anyone think of any others? I'm sure there's a few on that would make me cringe)

    Looking back through some of the posts I've made, I feel embarrassed about how arrogant and bullyboy some of them are.

    Sometimes you don't mean to be a bully and you only notice you are doing it when it's too late.

    Still, I've left DSLinux development now for greater things, no users to support except myself so hopefully I'll lose the arrogance ;-)
    Last edited by Sonny_Jim; September 21st, 2009 at 19:08. Reason: Formatting

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie Lastron's Avatar
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    I find them hilarious. Most of them just shy away when you shjow them the same treatment. ^_^ Educated trolls are another matter. If theyre witty and come up with decent reasons to back there arguements, these devils advocats make the interenet a fun place to argue. Without these educated trolls there would be no arguements deeper and more emotional than "NO U". These educated trolls introduced Malice and spite into a world of simplicity. Giving birth to the brilliance of humour similar to sarcasm. For that i thank them.

  8. #8
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Ego`s are certainly a problem in the emulation and homebrew communitys, i may be a webmaster of this site but personally i feel no better or informed than anyone else and in reality im a big a noob as most on the forums here and elsewhere.

    Although on many sites around the net some coders/webmasters seem to think they are gods

  9. #9


    To me it's all site moderators to blame for abuse and bullying, go somewhere like maxconsole or qj and things can get nasty with no intervention from mods so you end up with a crappier class of member, but go somewhere like Dcemu and it seems you have higher standards.

  10. #10
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    well we are by no means perfect but we try.

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