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Thread: Your take on all 3 next gen systems?

  1. #1
    PSP Coder
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    Default Your take on all 3 next gen systems?

    What is everybody's take on all 3 next gen systems?

    Me personaly I have a 360 & ps3. I had a wii but traded it off twards my ps3 because i got bored of the software.

    Here is my take that i posted on another forum


    My Personal Rank (details to follow)
    1) Xbox 360
    2) Wii
    3) Ps3


    - Xbox 360 -
    Hands down, Microsoft's risk of releasing a year early paid off in a big way. Great overall system, Tons of great titles avalible, XBLA kicks serious ass right now (it's finaly hitting its stride), HD movie downloads, PC streaming, and serious support on cables (rather anoyed I cant find a ps3 equivilent to the 360 vga cables).


    - Wii -
    Not a bad small system with a uniqe setup. Yet sadly I think nintendo is starting to fall into flaws it's had in the past. Most titles released are gimmicky or puzzle collections. Other then zelda there are very few games that hold up well. Second Zelda was far from steller imo (TWW I still find to be better in so many ways minus difficulty). VC is a nice thing but the prices are way too high. Software support is seriously in the gutter atm with nothing steller comming out till the latter half of this year. No serious support for online gamming and they keep releasing half ass software (Weather chan, everybody votes, web browser).

    I fear that if 3rd party software does not drasticaly improve and nintendo them self do not do something to improve it. The Wii will ultimately become 3rd place yet again this console cycle. Soon as MS drops the price of the 360 to equal or less then the Wii, nintendo is in deap ***t.


    - PS3 -
    Over all not a bad system but just too freaking expensive. Shave some of the price and bring it down to 360 price and we would have a winner off the bat. The launch software was horrific but here we are in march and it's starting to pick up steam (Motorstorm, VF5, Tekken DR, flOw, F1). I think once sony expands and fixes the Sony Store things could get more impressive. I notice sony is being agressive with it's DL store and looks to offer serious content for reasonable prices (Tekken was a little high but the rest of the stuff is nicely prices, as well calling all cars will be $10). Blu-Ray playback is great but atm there is few if nothing worth watching on BR. Probably first pick up for me will be 007: Casino Royal.

    So over all if they can improve the sony store, add ps1 emulation to the ps3 (so you can play the dl ps1 games on your ps3), keep up the recent software flow and maybe drop the price atleast by $100. I think things will ultimately improve and make the ps3 the 2nd better console this gen.


  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Nicko01's Avatar
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    You are right about the PS3. I think they should cut out some of the features that we don't need and make the price a little more reasonable.

    I have a wii and I am getting a PS3, but I don't have plans for a 360.

    I would say PS3 and Wii are tied and 360 is right behind.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    i agree with your rank. 360, for now, is winning. however with the RIDICULOUS sales of the wii its just a matter of time until third part publishers, i mean good ones, get on board. third party means more GAMES to go with the non-games nintendo already is making.

    ps3 looks great. its a total media center. it does everything you could want but its just too pricey for the average gamer.

  4. #4
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    At present I agree with PSmonkey. There is very little for the PS3 that makes it worth getting. However, in the next couple of years this may change depending on how Sony and MS handle it. If MS manage to get a XNA YouTube like network going before Sony can get a foothold, then quite frankly, it is all over for Sony in my opinion. Nintendo just seem to be in a completely different race with their controller and target audience.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro Gold Line's Avatar
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    i have a wii and love it i will get a ps3 if you can play old ps2 games and i mean the discs not the dum pay £15 for a game you allready own

  6. #6


    360 at the moment. Maybe i will get a Wii, but not now.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie Be3f's Avatar
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    Waiting for euro PS3 start and going to take 60GB pack...
    Thinking about X-Box 360... I have most of it's games, which I'm interested in on my PC... but still want po play Gears of War... but Epic is going to port it to PC too

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