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Thread: Do These Emulators Exsist...

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Do These Emulators Exsist...

    Atari 2600?
    Gameboy Advance?
    Sega Saturn?

    All of these should be able to run on the PSP, with it's technology that is, but I've seen no talk of any of these emulators. I did hear talk of a Gameboy emulator but I didn't see if it related to the GBA.

    Any news?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular shizzle's Avatar
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    gba is the only one of those that is available, although sadly it was never devloped enough to be playable

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    well, with its technology its capable of running almost any system, the real problem is coding it, the newer systems would be very, very, VERY difficult to code to run at a playable speed from what i hear, as for a gba, it looked promising at first, but there havent been any updates for several weeks now and i fear there's a possibility it might have been abandoned for now, or maybe temporarily at least

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    That's kind of weak if you think about it. I mean the GBA would seem to be quite an easy emulator to create since it is very similar in design to the Snes. If you look at the lineup of games available for the system almost half of them are simple ports from old SNES games. Not to mention the new series they have of old NES titles emulated on the GBA itself.

    Is the VBA the only emulator around for the GBA on the PSP? Atari too seems kinda funny not to have an emulator for since it would seem to be the most simple to create. It would take very little of the systems power - in fact it would probably be able to run on less than 222mhz.

    Oh well, really though, is the VBA emulator the only GBA emulator for the PSP?

  5. #5
    Dream Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by o2byzst
    That's kind of weak if you think about it. I mean the GBA would seem to be quite an easy emulator to create since it is very similar in design to the Snes. If you look at the lineup of games available for the system almost half of them are simple ports from old SNES games. Not to mention the new series they have of old NES titles emulated on the GBA itself.
    Yea, it has nothing to do with the fact that NINTENDO MADE THE GAMES TO BEGIN WITH. The hardware is in absolutely no way similar, nintendo simply has access to actual source codes so they can simply port the games with ease to the gba, and have most likely created an easy setup to do so.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Okay, Quzar point taken. I agree that since Nintendo made the games then it would be much easier to port them over. However, since we've been able to emulate old SNES, NES & even Genesis titles on the PSP it should'nt be that hard to create some type of emulation to do it. Although, if we go by your line of reasoning (and it's a good one) we should be able to at the very least emulate old PS1 titles to run on the PSP.

    Then again, coders are focusing more on perfecting the other Emulators (NES, SNES, Genesis) than to put attention over to creating other emulators. They've got plenty of time since the PSP doesn't really have anything major to offer, game wise that is. Later this year, September I think, Medievil Resurrection is being released. Resurrection is basically a port of the old Medievil from the PS1 with some fancy new graphics and a couple new addins. Then you've got Burnout legends, a scaled down version of the regular burnout games - kinda like combining Burnout 3 with Burnout Takedown.

    It seems like someone should be reverse engineering some of these types of things to give us a good starting point to work with. Just my point view anyhow. I would still like to see a quality GBA emulator though.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Atari 2600?
    Will come.

    Gameboy Advance?
    Will come but I wouldn't expect it to run better than the snes emulators.

    Will struggle. Existing emulators running on the PC do perform a lot better when set to a low resolution so this will help with speed on a psp.

    Sega Saturn?
    No chance. Top of the range PCs struggle with the existing emulators due to the multiple processors used in the original console.

  8. #8


    Atari 2600 - This will be easy, expect one within the next 2 months.

    Gameboy Advance - They'll get it running at decent speeds eventually. if it runs as good as the snes 9xy27 emu then it'll be awesome.

    N64 - Doubt anyone will bother as it would be very hard, look at the xbox N64 Emu's, they still arn't very good. A lot of games don't work and many are buggy. And that has 3 different EMU's that have been combined.

    Sega Saturn - This will never happen, far too complex architecture.

  9. #9
    NGPSP Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by o2byzst
    That's kind of weak if you think about it. I mean the GBA would seem to be quite an easy emulator to create since it is very similar in design to the Snes. If you look at the lineup of games available for the system almost half of them are simple ports from old SNES games. Not to mention the new series they have of old NES titles emulated on the GBA itself.

    Is the VBA the only emulator around for the GBA on the PSP? Atari too seems kinda funny not to have an emulator for since it would seem to be the most simple to create. It would take very little of the systems power - in fact it would probably be able to run on less than 222mhz.

    Oh well, really though, is the VBA emulator the only GBA emulator for the PSP?
    Very wrong. The GBA is many times more powerful then the snes. You have to remember the gba is a 32bit arm7 processor at 17Mhz. The snes was only a 16bit 65816 processor at at 3.58 Mhz.

    The problem with all emulators right now is we are porting pc emulators that have much higher specs, So less is optimised. As well VBA is one of the few gba emulators where accuracy is more important then speed. With a lot of solid work the speed can be increased or better yet if a real gba emulator was writen from scrach using the psp's gpu to accelerate the 2d rendering, you could see an emulator running at much better speed.

  10. #10

    Unhappy Saturn

    that really sucks that its impossible to make a good saturn emulator
    I would love to be able to play the original guardian heroes, panzer saga, shining force III, shinning the holy ark and dragon force on my pretty little handheld PSP.....sigh

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