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Thread: The secrets of life

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Reviews The secrets of life

    I sit here this morning, prepping to go somewhere.

    Do you believe there is more to a body then flesh and bone? Do you believe there is something inside every person that science or biology has no explanation for?

    Inside our body's lives a super computer with unlimited storage capacity.It it not fully understood. It may never be. While science seeks an answer. Man has had an answer to that very question since the beginning of time.

    You are free to choose. You can accept the answers that do exists or live in doubt and wait for science to create an answer.

    How many billions of years will you wait for science to answer a question that had already been answered? How long will it be before you accept that human being are unique?

    An example would be. A mystery, Science knows nothing about this mystery. But there is no scientist on earth that will tell you there isn't something ununderstood about humans that is unique that sets us apart from plants and animals.

    Could it be a spirit, A soul?

    And intricate super computer. capable of advanced thought and understanding that completely outclasses every other life form ever discovered on the planet.

    I submit,. Why have only humans reached this advanced stage of understanding.
    Why aren't dolphins doing calculus? and chimpanzees churning out philosophy?

    There is something unique about human beings that no one understands. Why are we so unique, why are we so different?

    I'm tired of waiting for Science to facilitate an answer, A made up answer with pseudo facts and guesstimations isn't good enough for me.

    I'll see you guys when I get back. I'm going to Church..

    Peace Shades

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie Bestwick's Avatar
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    Why is this on the front page?

    You might want to consider giving evidence aside from "faith" when you try to prove something. Also your reasoning does not justify why you choose to follow Christianity instead of another religion.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bestwick View Post
    Why is this on the front page?

    You might want to consider giving evidence aside from "faith" when you try to prove something. Also your reasoning does not justify why you choose to follow Christianity instead of another religion.
    Its on the front page, for unknown reasons.

    I posted this in the blog forums. As I understood it. I didnt mention anything about Christianity in that entire post.
    I take great care not to offend people or their beliefs.
    Thats not to say I am not a Christian. As that is what I am.
    Its only to say. I Never so much as mentioned a given religion in that post
    A blog is a blog is a blog. I'll blog about whatever I choose. Its something of a right Anyone has.

    The fact that it landed on the front page is some what of a mystery to me. As I didnt know blog posts could make front page

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    [choice? choice cannot exist. —semantic nonsense.]

    No fault to your words however, quite correct in fact.

    We are man, such a burden it is.

    "(22) You are the exercise, the task. No student far and wide." —K

    "(36) Earlier, I did not understand why I got no answer to my question, today I don't understand how I presumed to ask a question. But then I didn't presume, I only asked." —K

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    I think the human mind isn't complex enough to understand the universe and the creator.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I think

    Quote Originally Posted by SSaxdude View Post
    I think the human mind isn't complex enough to understand the universe and the creator.
    You are right

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro The King's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSaxdude View Post
    I think the human mind isn't complex enough to understand the universe and the creator.
    i agree with that

  8. #8


    Yes, there are a lot of unexplained pieces of things in life, but that isn't much of a reason to become christian. Science has proved so many different pieces of christianity (and other religions) wrong to the point where the whole basis of some religions are actually impossible. Now, I have no problem with someone believing in a god or an afterlife, but that's only a minor subset of religion. Christians are often looked to as good-hearted people, and there definitely are some out there. There is also a lot of corruption that goes along with that. I could sit here and blab on and on but I have other things to do. I do think you should really look into the facts about your religion and reconsider your choice. There is a movie called ZEITGEIST on video google that has a lot of interesting information. Peace out.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by amdprophet View Post
    Yes, there are a lot of unexplained pieces of things in life, but that isn't much of a reason to become christian. Science has proved so many different pieces of christianity (and other religions) wrong to the point where the whole basis of some religions are actually impossible. Now, I have no problem with someone believing in a god or an afterlife, but that's only a minor subset of religion. Christians are often looked to as good-hearted people, and there definitely are some out there. There is also a lot of corruption that goes along with that. I could sit here and blab on and on but I have other things to do. I do think you should really look into the facts about your religion and reconsider your choice. There is a movie called ZEITGEIST on video google that has a lot of interesting information. Peace out.
    Science has also proved many things, that the bible itself has proclaimed since it was written, for instance, The bible plainly and clearly explains the equator as two domes of atmosphere placed one on top of another.

    It also states, The earth was indeed spherical long before man discovered this own his own. Still yet. If you may offer up some proof of something the bible stated that science has actually disproven. I'm open for debate about it,

    The fact is. The reasons science and religion conflict so much. Is one has yet to disprove the other.

    I warn you before you begin, No one has ever bested me in a debate.
    I once even gave up my mod status just to properly debate a subject which I won.

    I do so love a debate

    Just know and feel free, To come back with whatever you wish to discuss, You have full rights to your opinions, And I wont bash you for them., in any manor.

    Thats not the way Shadow works

    Awe Nobody ever wants to debate with shadow *me crys

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