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Thread: You will probally get a kick out of this. My wii problems.

  1. #1

    Default You will probally get a kick out of this. My wii problems.

    Here we go...

    Well, I stood in line at bestbuy for an hour to get wii #41 of 43. I took it home and immediatly updated it. Upon updating, all went fine. Soon after is when the trouble began.

    I popped in Zelda TP and played for about an hour. Egar to spend my 2000 wii points, I hopped over to the Wii Connect channel. I got a message saying I needed to accept a user agreement. The problem was, it had to be downloaded on the wii online. I thought that was no big deal. Boy was I wrong. I tried to connect using the same wifi settings as before. I tried and after a little I got an error code 20620 or somthing to that extent. i thought maybe it just got a bad connection or somthing, and tried again.

    10 trys later...
    Ok, here I was. I had looked for 2 weeks for a wii. I had been to every store you could think of. I stood in line to get this goddamn thing. It was all the rage, and I wanted one. After much work, I got one...

    And now it can't connect to a router 3 goddamn feet away. Talk about homosexuality. I was pissed more then Michal Jackson at a trial for raping boys. I looked at nintendos site for a spot to type in my error code and find out what the **** was going on. No luck.. I called help(apparently it was a hardware problem)...wait for 4 months wiiless...r live with it...I spent 22 dollars on those points and couldn't take them back...stuck with a mentally retarded wii.

    I did some online research and deducted that it was not only I with this problem. Tons of people were getting partially defected wiis. Now I had more of a reason to be pissed. It was not simpily a stroke of bad luck on me, rather on Nintendos part.

    I called again...nothing...hardware problem...same ol same ol...

    And now after reading, I think it can be solved in a system update...but wait! What was that? I can't connect to the ****ing internet!

    I suppose their only option would be to put the update for download on their website and have you copy it to a 50$ SD CARD WHICH I DO NOT INTEND TO BUY!

    So thanks Nintendo...piss me off and make me buy buy buy...

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    SD cards are waaaay cheap dude. You can get a 1GB for $10 or something.

  3. #3


    Not the one i saw being sold...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    You don't have to buy the official Wii brand or w/e. Any SD card will do.
    1GB, $15 shipped after rebate.


    512MB, $0 after rebate,ECOSTCJ

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    wait a 512 is free after a rebate??!??

  6. #6
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    I think there is a wii ethernet adaptor shipping in january,if you can wait that long.You might want to take it back to the store you got it from and see if they'll exchange it.

  7. #7
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Destroyer699 View Post
    I suppose their only option would be to put the update for download on their website and have you copy it to a 50$ SD CARD WHICH I DO NOT INTEND TO BUY!
    You do realize that you don't actually have to buy the "Nintendo" SD card, right? You can buy any SD memory card (as long as it doesn't have a capacity greater than 2 gigs) and it will work in the Wii.

    Here's a 512 mB card for $22.

    EDIT - Whoops. I didn't realize other people had already replied. Oh well.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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    I Refuse To Help Anyone That Says They've Tried Everything.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie C0R3F1GHT3R's Avatar
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    lol thats what happens when u buy a console from a first wave release. Noobs thinking all the bugs are gonna be fixed upon released... Its the cycle of life man every console has problems when it comes out.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C0R3F1GHT3R View Post
    lol thats what happens when u buy a console from a first wave release. Noobs thinking all the bugs are gonna be fixed upon released... Its the cycle of life man every console has problems when it comes out.
    Thats very true, but i have my Wii now and am very happy. I need to buy a copy of Twilight princess, but i have no money. Try and take it back, i did that with my psp.

  10. #10


    You calling me a noob?

    I realized it would have bugs, just not one as major as internet problems.

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