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  • DCEmu Games Reviews Latest News

    by Published on June 25th, 2008 01:08

    Publisher: High Voltage Software
    Developer: High Voltage Software
    Genre: Arcade Shooter
    Players: 1-4
    Price: $7

    gyrostarr is an arcade shooter that adds elements that no other shooter out there has done before, but is that a good thing?

    Unlike most arcade shooters, The goal of this game is not to destroy waves of enemies that come at you, but to collect bright orbs that come at you every now and then.

    By collecting this orbs, a bar located at the top of the screen will be filled, Fill the barr up to the first hoop, and you beat the level, fill it up completely and you go to bonus level.

    Bonus levels are very easy to get and not fun at all, I found my self avoiding the orbs JUST so that I didn't have to go through the bonus level, What it is, is a regular level, except that the enemies are taken off leaving you with nothing to do, except collect orbs and bombs.

    There are some power ups you can grab along the way such as three bullets per shot, rapid fire, bigger bullets, ect, unfortunately these power ups only last a few seconds, and there is no way to know precisely how long the power ups last (unless you count in your head while playing)

    Aside from being short lasting, they are not very impressive, anyone could have thought of bigger bullets, and faster fire rate as a power up, but at least we are getting them.

    Also, for whatever reason, you can blow away orbs and power ups with your bullets, something you DON'T want to do, which will make you stop and think before you pull that trigger, luckily, you can ether press up or down on the D-pad and it will launch some type of electric hook which will grab power ups and orbs that you may have blown off, or are simply out of your reach.

    Three bullets at once!? what WILL they think of next?

    Gyrostarr allows you to play with up to three friends, which is fun.....but confusing, That is why it is best to play with just two people, That way you won't be asking others which ship is yours and how many times you have died, just to find out that the ship you THOUGHT you were all along was actually your friend, and that sucker who kept dying was actually you.

    The graphics are average for a wiiware game, some power ups DO make bright and shiny bullets that may catch you eye for a second or too, but other then that, everything is pretty average.

    The game features some ok beats but are usually overshadowed by the sound of bullets, explosions, and speed boosts wich may or may not be a good thing depending on what you like to hear, luckily you can go to the audio options menu and choose what you want to hear the most: Music, or Effects.

    They are both at 100% as default.

    Replay Value:
    Depending on whether or not you have friends to play with, the replay value will change, if you DO have friends then it is good, and if not, then it becomes a one time play through.

    As a new addition to my reviews, I will be rating the difficulty of games from the easiest option available to the hardest. So I designed a chart to show how easy the easiest difficulty is, and how hard is the hardest:

    If you have a friend or two to play with, you just HAPPEN to have $7 on your pocket, AND you like this type of games, then I say GO FOR IT! but if you are an only child with no friends to play, and you could use the money for something else, then I would recommend you passing out on this one.

    Final Score:

    my review survey ...
    by Published on June 24th, 2008 05:31

    Because I'm stuck in boring WV with nothing else to do, and this game saved me from total boredom.

    Publisher: 2K Games
    Developer: Venom Studios
    Genre: FPS
    ESRP: $9.99

    In PREY, you take the role of Cherokee-by-genetics Tommy, or Domasi, as you and the ones you love get abducted into an alien ship. There you must battle your way to your girlfriend and try and get off the ship. During this time you must learn to use your special Cherokee powers--or die trying.

    A Cherokee Classic
    In todays world of thousands of developers spewing out FPS like fireworks on Chinese new year, it becomes a chore to find one with a good storyline nowadays. Prey's horror-action-sci-fi-love story gives fans what they really want in a FPS story--the same thing as they want in an RPG. Great character development, an engrossing sci-fi love story, and all around high-budget production makes this FPS a story-side winner. Whats more, its based around the ideology of the Native Americans and they're stories. This game will make you think Cherokees are even cooler then you already did. The story is well done, through both its voice actors and presentation. The environment, while it tells a subtle tale about the aliens and they're culture, it really isn't a major part of the storyline. The inclusion of legendary radio host Art Bell into the telling of the story from Earth's view really helps to tell about the effects that Tommy's experience is having down on gaia as well. To be blunt, this is the kind of imaginative creative ideas that we want to see in FPS games; like Bioshock or Half-Life 2.

    Quake 4 and Doom 3-esqe
    PREY is a very pretty game. Think Quake 4 with slightly enhanced graphics that runs at a constant 60fps. This game has nearly no glitches whatsoever graphically(or technically, for the most part.) and no clipping issues. Enemies models and textures are a mix. While the Hunters and Elite hunters look rather boring, just about all the other enemies look awesomely Quake 4-y. That is, they look like mutant demons from the deepest spawns of hell itself. Particularly worth noting are the part human-part scythe-part elephant mutants that hop around and slash at you with huge razor-sharp claw(s). If it wasn't so dark most of the time the enemies would be even more disgustingly pretty. Which brings us to the lighting. PREY runs on the Doom 3 engine. If any of you remember, Doom 3's lighting was the worst part of the game. While the severity of the lighting problems have been taken care of, PREY still suffers from overly dark corridors and black hallway ends. Unfortunately, your little pissant lighter does little to help the darkness problem. still, its a minor problem because unlike Doom 3, its totally bearable. Theres only one part in the entire game as dark as Doom 3's issues, and its only one enemy to fight. The backgrounds pop out at you, and the messiness of each room looks of sci-fi gloriousness. Everything in PREY is alive, both metaphorically and literally. Even your living guns look great, the art direction in this game is awesomely unique. For a sci-fi FPS, this one is sure different then the rest of the crop.

    THIS is a puzzle!

    Splatter of alien guts. Now in 5.1.
    Lets not beat around the bush here. PREY sounds awesome. Lets start with voices. The voice acting starts off a little weak. Jen and Tommy seem to be a little hesitant with they're lines while Enisi starts and stays strong through the whole thing. Withing a few minutes of the game though, the character pick up they're talent and don't lose it. Especially during the last few levels, where Tommy's rage peaks. The voice acting is almost natural with Tommy and Enisi. Jen, although becoming stronger as the story continues, never really gets to the level of realism the other characters do through the story. All of them do great voiceovers though. Sound effects. Sound effects make PREY's sickeningly twisted alien world come to life. The weapon fire is good, though a little uninventive, but the sounds the weapons MAKE are great. The aliens chatter and the sound of portals opening and closing are high-budget SFX. The music is made by the same man who made the music for Oblivion and Guild wars. So suffice to say its professionally made. Music comes in at off times but it comes in nonetheless

    So this is what an alien school looks like

    Inventive and new ideas come together like PB&J
    PREY is a prethera of inventive ideas. Everything from Deathwalk to living guns screams LOOK! IM A NEW IDEA! AND IM WELL IMPLEMENTED! PREY's gamelay revolves primarily on the nature of all FPS, that is, with awesome weapons and action. But its neat new innovations allow for some really intelligent and mind blowing puzzles as well. Also is the inventions of portals and the ability to change gravity itself. Thats right, this game ...
    by Published on June 24th, 2008 03:07

    Old game(mid-2007) but many people have no clue about it.

    Publisher: Microsoft
    Developer: FASA Studios
    Genre: FPS
    Players: 1-16
    ESRP: $19.99 (For Value rating)

    Shadowrun is a game that is like its Sega genesis brother in name only. Unlike its RPG roots, Shadowrun for Windows and Xbox 360 is a fast paced FPS that makes you rely on more then just your weapon. To defeat your opponents, you must also make use of 5,000 year old magic powers. As a member of either the RNA, a huge corporation wanting control of this newfound magic, or the Lineage, an ancient order trying to keep the magic at its natural roots.

    So much story potential. None of it used.

    Shadowrun does has a story. The RNA, a global organization and the Lineage, ancient tribes, are feuding over a magic that could change the course of history itself. A neat story isn't it? Well, it could have been. Thats just it, though, COULD being the key word. Shadowrun has about as much storyline as Wolfenstein 3D. That is, no story at all, but a great setting. However, setting is only a small part of a grand storyline. Shadowrun has a huge potential for a storyline; it features everything from dwarves to elves to trolls, all set in a futuristic world where culture is still a very important part of life. What potential. But this game is all about its multiplayer, and it shows. The only "storyline" it has is 6 ten minute tutorials showing you how to use all of the magic, weapons and classes as an RNA combatant. Beyond that, even characters are perfectly lifeless. Commands in multiplayer don't even have actual human voices. Its a robot for every class and every team. Honestly, this game busts here.

    Guess which one will win. Go on, guess.

    Amazing magic effects vs. Sub-par character models
    Let the fight begin. I'll start off with the good. Effects for magic are simply amazing. The light show is great, and for the most part, magic is all about the lights and pretty colors. Teleport is a flash of orange blur that brilliantly lights up with a bit of red and blur. Summon magic creates a monster of either yellow or flourescent blue that sparks to life and beats the living crap out of the enemies. Strangle spawns shining blue or orange gems on the ground with a great shining effect. Even the absorbing power of the dwarves looks radiant when its in effect. Now magic is nice, and I've probably made that overly clear by now. Back to the other stuff. The character models are boring. Interesting at first, trolls and elves and ect. lose their interest factor after you've killed about 3 of them. They all look the same, and even when they are dead they have the exact same face expression as when they first spawned. To be fare, the Lineage do look a bit unique, with an art direction like that of Native Americans. But the RNA are just bland, basic and boring. Gun models are all uninspired; they work. But they are just average. No interesting ideas or art direction went into these weapons. Backgrounds are pretty well done, especially those of the Lineage-based levels. Which comes to make one realize that while the Lineage have a great artistic ideas about them, the RNA are boring, right down to they're RNA-themed levels.

    Mars probably has more life in it then Shadowrun. Music-wise anyway.
    Shadowrun doesn't have any music. If t does, I don't even remember because it must have been too boring. To its credit, music probably wouldn't have helped too much anyway. Still, some nice action themes would have added a bit more to its credit here, and the total lack of music is purely, mind-numbingly annoying. Its annoying because, without music, only sound effects are present to clear the sound of that extremely annoying AI that serves as the voice for all of players in the game. Which brings me to that point, possibly the only thing more annoying in the game then the lack of music is the robotic female voice that says all of your and your teamates commands. Blahblahblahblahblah. Other sounds. Gun sound effects, while just as inspired as the weapons, do what they are supposed to. No big awesome booms or anything of the such, but they work. Magic and Tech sound off like the 4th of July. They have varied and wide sounds to each of them(for the most part) and sound above average, though still not anything amazing. Shadowrun is rather dead when is comes to all things sound-wise.

    Look at me! I look like everyone else!

    Magic and machinery DO go well together
    Shadowrun relies primarily on one thing to get its point across--and thats its combination of magic, tech, and weaponry. In Shadowrun, you get Tech upgrades and Magic upgrades that you buy from a menu at the start of each game like Counter Strike. From this menu you also buy weapons and ammo, from Shotguns to katanas. ...
    by Published on June 23rd, 2008 05:54

    Platform: SNES
    Publisher: Squaresoft
    Developer: Squaresoft
    Genre: RPG
    Players: 1

    Overview :Quote from the WIKI:
    "The story of Rudra no Hiho is divided into three major scenarios, each with a different main character: the soldier Sion, the priestess Riza, and the sorcerer Surlent. As the player enters new areas and accomplishes different tasks, the human race's final 15 days slowly ebb away in a predetermined day/night cycle. The player is free to play the scenarios in any order, and may even leave one storyline to follow that of another character for a time. The actions of the characters in one location and time may have an effect on the others, as well, both in the general story and in gameplay. For example, if one group of characters leaves a sacred relic somewhere, another character may come and find it on a later day in his own part of the game. After successfully completing all three scenarios, players must take on a fourth, featuring the roving thief Dune and the heroes from the previous three chapters in their final confrontation with the game's major villains."
    Gameplay : 5/5
    I'm going to give this one a 5 just for it's innovation. The fact that there's 3 different character stories that completely effect one another is awesome.

    You're given 15 days before the "cleansing", and each character's story starts on the first. Say one you play one character's story for a while, and on the third day you do something that effects the world (helping out someone which in turn gets him to open up a shop... Just an example). If you play another character's story, on the third day the shop will be opened. If you hadn't helped that person, the shop would not be there.

    That's cool and all, but if you ask anyone that's played Treasure Of Rudras what stood out to them I bet you 100 bucks they'll say "the mantra system".

    The mantra system is this game' way of handling spells. You go to the mantra menu and type in names for spells much like you would the hero's name. Then the spell bases it's element and it's strength/attributes on what was entered. Each character can then use all of the spells in "the mantra pool".

    This can be both fun and funny. Trying out random words can be very pleasing. For instance, I typed in "Queef" and got a wind damage to all enemies spell. If you type a word that has no element, it will spell out the word in battle when you use it (dealing physical damage). This can be funny in that you can type in an insult, and it seems that you're calling the enemy names. Or, you can take the serious approach and learn mantras from talking to certain people. You can also get spells from enemies, as they say the mantra when they use them. As long as you can remember it long enough.

    The only bad thing about this, is that every single spell is available from the beginning (though you're not gonna have enough MP to cast the good ones). This can lead to some huge spoilers easily, as the desire to look them up online can be great.

    Graphics : 4.5/5
    The graphics in this game have a lot of similarities with Bahamut Lagoon. The enemies look freakin' awesome, AND they're animated... But if you ask me, this game pulls it off a bit better. The animations are much more smooth, and there's more of them to go around.

    However, some of the battle backgrounds and level maps seem a bit empty and inconsistent. You'll be one place and think "These, are some majorly sweet graphics", then you'll get to the next level and say "Oh, maybe I was wrong... A little".

    But, I'll give it credit. The good graphics more then make up for the mediocre ones. I have a feeling that the graphics were done by Brown & Brown (most well known for the Secret Of Mana series and the Magical Vacation games for the GBA/DS). Though I can't find any info to confirm/dismiss this theory.

    Sound : 5/5

    Yes, a perfect score. Because, well... This game has a perfect "score" (HAHAHA, I made a funny). Only thing bad I can say about it is "I wish this game's music sucked just a little, for the sake of having something bad to say".

    Honestly, the soundtrack is by far my favorite on the SNES... Even beating out Chrono Trigger. The music is so diverse, and fits what's happening so well. It's hard to think about how they pulled of making such epic songs on the SNES' SPU.

    Which, is why I posted 3 songs. It was just too damned hard to pick one. Trust me, I would post more if I didn't have to worry about the load times.

    Replay Value : 4/5
    I'd say that the replay value for this game is higher then most other RPGs, ...
    by Published on June 23rd, 2008 04:00

    Publisher : Taito
    Developer: Taito
    Genre: Arcade Shooter
    Players: 1-4
    Price: $19.99

    Space Invaders is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a party that EVERYONE is invited to (just pay $19.99) lol

    This time around, Space Invaders comes shipped with some strategy by giving you a power up every time you hit four ships of the same color continuously. On the right side of the screen, you will find a power up bar, once you grab a power up, that bar will instantly start draining, so you better use your power wisely. If you want to save the power for later, simply hold the right trigger.

    If you see a shiny color changing ship hover across the top of your screen, hitting it will take you to a bonus level, complete that level, and you will be rewarded.

    Aside from a new look and slightly new feel, A new element is added: BOSS BATTLES! Yes, you heard right, now you can easily see each and every pixel forming a ship.

    Boss battles normally consist of one or two big ships, and a bunch of little ones, though the small ones may seem like a bother at first, DO NOT BE FOOLED! for they are the key to power ups, and power ups are they key to victory.

    Only three to go, and this guys are in for a blast! (if you have played the game, you will know what I am talking about)

    Space Invaders Extreme. As the name suggests, the game feels like they gave "extreme" amounts of drugs to the game making YOU think you are high. The game has DDR like backgrounds which seem to swirl and melt as you progress through the game. Even though the space ships still look the same but shinier, The game overall looks great, And it is the small details here and there that make it so.

    Is it just me, or are the aliens forming question marks? Don't worry, I am confused too.

    This game has techno music as its companion to to the visuals and it works great, what is even More amazing, is that every shot and explosion created, fits perfectly with the song.

    Each level comes with a brand new track that will keep your ears too busy to hear your mom asking you to clean up your room.

    Replay Value:
    Like most arcade games, Space invader has a great replay value, you will find that whether you have five minutes or two hours, you will be able to pick this up and start playing.

    normal bullets can usually do the job, but nothing beats a good ole hyper beam!

    YEA! that's what I'M talking about!

    Humpa doompa dompa dee doo, what do you get when you combine great graphics, addicting game play, and great tracks to go along? a must buy for you!

    I give this game a:

    my review survey ...
    by Published on June 23rd, 2008 01:04

    This review is gonna be a bit different from usual. Although I'm reviewing an amazing piece of homebrew, to be able to fully play it you'd need two files from the actual game, which is roughly still 10 USD. Since its still technically a commercial game...

    Also, seeing as this is a homebrew release of a rather old game, this review will be more reminiscient of past Miniviews. My normal reviews won't be this small.

    Producer: id Software
    Developer: id Software
    Genre: Revolutionary FPS
    Port by: Elaun
    Download: http://dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=115909

    Proving that one of the best shooters ever can be remade, and still be fun today.

    One of the original fully rendered 3D shooters
    Ok, lets get one thing straight; this game was released in 1996. Naturally then, by today's standards you can't expect much. But comparatively speaking, this game had THE best graphics for its time. Fully rendered 3D models and environments were both new and unseen by the time. Everything from weapons to monsters are fully rendered in #d with bloody haunting textures that seem to be id's passion with their FPS genre. The textures are made to be freaky and scary, and at the time, they were the freakiest thing you've ever seen. Quake looks better then most PSX games easy. Water effects are plain and simply, basically just a texture you can move through. Gun fire effects are part of the guns themselves, which are actually all 3D models themselves. Blood effects and splattering were exceptional for its time in '96, and also controversial (OHZES NOEZ! BLOOD! CALL JACK THOMPSON!) In other words, Quake looks even better then a NDS, Wiiware, or XBL game these days. Heck, it even looks better then most PSP games.

    If you saw this when it first came out in '96 you woulda crapped yourself.

    Back in the days of the blood-curtling splatter of enemies that have just been turned into blood and piecemeal, Quake existed and set part of the standard. Enemies moan and grunt as they take damage, and everything from zombies to yetis splatter in a glorious SPLAT! sound. Even Mathew Kain (the player) groans and screams from time to time as you take damage. However, sound effects were the best part of sound effects. Voice acting doesn't exist, and music is only decent. When it comes down to it, while the haunted-house style music is fitting and definately works, its a far-cry from the masterpiece soundtrack that id produced with its classic Doom. Whatever works I suppose...

    Zombies. The original splattering enemy.

    Wiimote control? In Quake? ****ING AWESOME!
    Quake has always been a great classic shooter that set a new standard with its revolutionary ideas and gameplay. But for decades the style of playing the classic FPS has held many a game down in the way of gameplay style. But no longer, and that fact has been ripped to shreds by even the gaming community itself with Elaun's amazing port of Quake to the Wii. For me especially (being a huge long time Doom and Quake fan) this port is the extra twist I've and many other FPS fans have always wanted from this golden-age classic. The Wiimote control works great; the sensativeity is well tuned and the amount of force it takes to turn the screen is almost just right. Although it could take a little more fine tuning, the implementation of motion control in Quake has been professionally done (at least in my opinion. This beats Red Steel's crappy POS control by a mile.) Beyond the great new motion control, Quake is back and just as good as its ever been. With the exception of slightly long load times, Quake has been ported almost perfectly. Minor errors such as the screen-to-HUD ratio exist, but the are easily overlooked. Quake still features its super-actiony bloody shoot-em-up adventure that fans know and love. Featuring a huge cast of weapons to combat an even bigger cast of enemies, Quake is just as good as it ever was. Gun mechanics work perfect (as usual for id. They invented it!) and the autoaim helps the wiimote control to work even better. Powerups such as Quake dmage and the enviro suit help you to blast some mayhem to the monsters. 4 episodes and tons of levels and puzzles for each, this is a game that will hold you a good long time. Not as long as Doom, mind you (start minding!) but its still a long and fun time while your at it.

    Well, very small review, but lets finish it up, ay?

    Major Selling Points:

    ◄ Great Wiimote support
    ◄ An amazing classic, remade for the present
    ◄ A trip back to the 90's best.

    Major Breaking Points:
    ◄ Aging classic
    ◄ Little to no story

    Story: 3/5
    Quake does actually have a subtle story about a decent story of a marine fighting the early Strogg in order ...
    by Published on June 12th, 2008 20:51

    Ninja Gaiden II
    Publisher: Microsoft
    Developer: Team Ninja
    Player: 1
    Genre: Action Adventure

    The famed Ninja that makes Kratos look like a teletubbie is back.

    In Ninja Gaiden II, you are once again Ryu Hayabusa, the fastest, most badass Ninja killing machine ever to walk the earth. You are called one last time by CIA agent Sonia to put a stop to the archfiend's plot to rid the world of humans forever. With a host of melee and ranged weapons, as well as magic ninpo attacks, you set out to save the world yet again.

    Story? Are you ****ing joking?
    First things first: I'm not even sure there IS a story here. Actually a better way to describe what I mean is I'm not sure there is a story in this that is better then one in the Ninja Gaiden 2 for the NES. While the story makes sense and is technically a very average story (for an 8-bit game), the story never goes beyond a paper-thin make up of the original Ninja gaiden story. That basically explains it. The story is there, but is fit for, at most, a lame N64 game. Character development exists only in your imagination. The characters don't change at all, either in personality or anything else you can think of. The only possible "change" would be of Muramasa the shopkeeper, when he enters a room and mows down tons of spider ninjas. So beyond the WTF factor of that scene, Muramasa, like all other characters, is the same persona throughout the game. Although, the wacky plot does have some benefits to it. The plot actually successfully justifies the constant travel to cool and unusual places in the game. It takes you anywhere from a futuristic Tokyo to Venice to Hell. Interesting stuff there. Bland, generic, interesting stuff.

    Damn Ninjas can look pretty good
    Starting with characters. Character models are extremely detailed, from the top of their face plate to the bottom of their feet. Ryu Hayabusa is one of the best main character models of any game, anywhere. Sub-characters are spared no detail either. Everything about the characters is fantastic. Art direction looks like it came out of a 1960's comic book, but the game IS based on a rather old game after all. Take Genshin for example. Claws, pointy masks, electric swords--he's straight out of a Marvel comic book. The same goes with most of the enemies (and some allies, i.e. Sonia). Most all the bosses look like enemies that Superman would fight. That said, none of that is bad. They are so well designed and animated, 1960's or not, they look great. Fiends and common enemies aren't overlooked either. I defy you find an enemy that doesn't look great in the game. Onto animations. Each and every character's animations are easily the best graphical part of Ninja Gaiden 2. Extremely fluid animation for Ryu hayabusa, considering he has well over hundreds of different attacks. The care taken with each and ever attack is astounding; and it doesn't end with Ryu. Every enemy, every attack, every fireball they shoot looks extremely natural. if you want comparison, this beats Euphoria by a mile. Shying away from foregrounds now. Backgrounds are skillfully created, with a great deal of futuristic direction to most of the levels. Even the Dragon's castle level looks futuristic, despite being rather old. Now not everything is glorious with the backgrounds. Interaction with the backgrounds is non-existent. No blowing up walls, no breaking in doors, not even denting the walls. The only thing you can do to the background is smear blood all over it. Not noticeable unless your really looking, since Ninja Gaiden isn't about interaction of the backgrounds. Another problem is the framerate. later in the game when you fight possibly 30 ninjas at once, the framerate crawls, rendering the fight almost impossible to finish. However, for the most part the framerat holds up well. All in all it is a very nice looking game.

    Excuse me, I do believe you have a scythe in your stomach.

    Adrenaline pumping Rock-metalcore-japanese-techno stuff
    The muzak in the game is perfectly fitting. Heart pounding rock style music with a hint of Oriental sounds and techno style electric rock are so fitting for a game this over-the-top. However, the music is ALWAYS a mixed bag- its either great, or its terrible. Seems to happen very often with Ninja gaiden, both II and Black. The rock music of Aqua capital is note worthy while the less-then-acceptable style of the music in the Dragon Castle is NOT-worthy(lol.) Beyond music, sound effects and voice acting is all thats left. Neither of them bad, neither really all so good. Sound fx can be argued as being well done, but every ninja dies with a similar grunt, and all the fiends die with the SAME grunt. the slicing and slashing of Ryu's weapons are easy on the ears, but everything else is simply average. not good, not bad. Voice acting is only good if you don't care for terrible ...
    by Published on June 10th, 2008 22:43

    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Nintendo
    Genre: SIM
    Number of Players: 1
    Price: $10

    Pokemon Ranch also known as Pokemon Farm is a game where YOU (a mii of choice) are helping your friend make a ranch for pokemon by adding more pokemon to it (via ds wireless) by doing so, the farm grows in size from the inside out.

    NOTE: You do NOT take care of the pokemon in this game in ANY way, you can't feed them, pet them, or play with them.

    OK, in this game, you can look at the pokemon you have withdrawn from your copy of "Pokemon Diamond/Pearl" into the farm and you can..............take pictures of them, and make them look at you....and...........this is pretty much a mii channel for your pokemon, they walk arround interacting with eachother and you smile because they are making funny faces or animations.

    You can see if your friend wants some specific pokemon for his/her farm (not sure wether it is a boy or a girl) then go to your pokemon game on the ds and catch it, take it to your farm and you might be rewarded.

    Every day, a new pokemon joins your farm, but it is chosen at random and there is as far as I have seen, no way to get rid of them, this could becoma a problem after a while due to the fact that you may end up with an army of one specific pokemon.

    I knew they would take over the world some day! and to think no one belived me!

    The amount of detail put into each and every pokemon is astonishing! You can tell right away that each leg was greatly taken in consideration before any walking, running, or jumping animation was formed..........that is what I would have said if this game had been released 17 years ago, in reality, this game brings disappointment to anyone looking forward to seeing their pokemon on screen as they did on "Pokemon: Battle Revolution"

    On the bright side, attacks look alot better then they do on the ds game, contact between two pokemon is made when a tackle occurs, a flame attack will reach the opposing pokemon, ect.

    hmmm.....pikachu's ears are floating.

    There really aren't alot of sound effects in this game, or music, but what is there is there and it works.

    I see you guys like to be happy, well I got a friend you should all meet, his name is (insert a bad guys name here)

    This game has a pretty good replay value, even though there isin't a whole lot to do, but just looking at what you'r pokemon are doing is interesting enough to keep you watching for a while.

    If you own a ds, a copy of "Pokemon Diamond/Pearl" and you REALLY enjoy pokemon, then this is a game you won't regret buying, but if you don't, then there really isn't a whole lot of fun to be had here.

    I give this game a:

    Here are some pics i took from my pokemon ranch:

    http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a1...4/WBME0004.jpg ...
    by Published on June 3rd, 2008 23:25

    Publisher: Valve
    Developer: Independent project
    Genre: Music/Puzzle
    Number of Players: 1-2
    Price: $10.00

    Minimum PC Requirements:
    OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
    Processor: 1.6 GHz Intel Pentium 4
    Memory: 512 MB RAM
    Graphics: 32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 2 (support for Pixel Shader 3.0 recommended)
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or higher
    Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card

    I'm in a tunnel! and at the end I see a light! no!!!!!!


    Audiosurf is a Music/Puzzle game in which the player selects a song, and then "surfs" it. While surfing a song of choice (any .mp3 file in you'r pc's hard drive) you are given the option to ether collect, or dodge colorful blocks that come at you.


    Picking up from the overview, if you choose do dodge blocks, then its all good and simple for the most part, but if you choose to collect them, then you are forced to arrange them in order by color, get four or more of the same color of blocks together and they will disappear allowing you to collect more, the more you collect and dissapear, the higher your score.

    You can control your ship with the mouse or keyboard and this is how a single screen multiplayer version of this game has been made possible, though it may not be the greatest multiplayer game ever, it holds up fine.

    Is this ride "groovy" or what?


    This game features a pretty simplistic/shiny art style, the blocks are shiny blocks, your ship is a shiny ship, there are also some shiny waves arround followed by some more shiny stuff that I can't tell what it is in the back ground,e.c.t. and that makes it fine to look at.



    With most music games there will be songs that you like and songs that you won't, but since you choose what song you want to play out of your hard drive, this game's sound is as good as you make it, all other sound effects can be customized and even removed.

    Yellow and grey don't go together!


    This game has over 10 different characters to choose from all offering a slightly different experience, and the amount of levels is as big as there are sounds, this is a game that will only get boring, when the song you are playing becomes boring.



    If you don't like music games, then there is not much for you here, but if you DO, then this is that one game that both you and I were dreaming off; Want new songs to play? download them! get them from a cd! whatever! any .mp3 file works!:thumbup:

    Unfortunately, this game is only for music fans out there, and it would not be fair for me to rate it highly simply because I like music games, a game should aim to appeal to all users, so i can only give this game a:

    by Published on June 3rd, 2008 05:49

    BioShock Review

    Developer: 2k Games
    Publisher: 2k Games



    A new FPS has shown up with promises of great gameplay and great story without needed muitplayer to make it successful (unlike halo :P )

    We will see how true to those claims the game really is...


    Notable Awards:
    • 2007 PC Game of the Year
    • 2007 Xbox 360 Game of the Year
    • 2007 FPS Game of the Year
    • 2007 Overall Game of the Year



    A regular First Person Shooter, nothing out of the ordinary here.



    The game is a 1 player only.



    The game begins with you in an airplane in the late 1950's when it suddenly crashes and our the only survivor or so your lead to believe ...

    You then come across this big tower in the middle of no where in the ocean, you enter and soon take a sub down to the city of Rapture...

    You soon get ambushed and eventually found out it was a bad idea to come down here. The first plasmid is introduced (think of it as magic in a RPG) after your encounter with a Big Daddy, even though you dont actually fight it, its still a pretty sight to take and dont want to mess with.

    And soon your tangled up in this rescue operation for atlas and...

    Well im not gonna spoil the story for you,
    you will just have to play and find out,
    its such a great story



    Game is typical among all FPS except for the plasmid system, which allows you to strike enemies with electricity, fire, and a few other elements.

    The way you combine these powers with your surroundings is up to you.
    For example you could shock an enemy in the water for extra damage, and it will shock all other enemies in the water also.
    You could light a propane tank on fire then use telikenieses to throw it at your enemies for extra damage , ect...
    its all up to you.

    You will also need powers to melt ice, or freeze things to advance in the game.

    The weapons are nice with upgrades and all the works and make you fell invincible at times.

    Another pretty cool thing was the hacking minigame which is a remade version of the PC classic PIPE:

    Multiplayer would have been good in this game, whats better then shotting your friends and complete strangers with plasmids?
    But its still very good without it as you can see from the awards.

    There was no lag or anything in the game that I experience, everything ran smoothly



    The graphics on this game are very well done.
    From the glossy look to the water, everything looks very nice compared to other FPS's.

    Some Pics to show its "awesomenesses"


    Audio / Sfx:

    The game contains a rich classical score and well as may songs popular from that time era that sometime play in the background.

    Such songs as:
    Papa Loves Mambo
    Waltz of the Flower
    How Much is that Doggy in the Window
    Oh Danny Boy

    and a few other as well...

    Also there whole classical score is free to download from their site:

    Over all its very well done and pulls it off with the game well.

    The voice acting it also extremely up to par.
    They have a real emphasis to them from the Irish talking Atlas to the little sisters and as well as the Big Daddy sounds are pretty creepy.


    Replay Value:

    The game doesnt exactly have a replay value to it.
    After you finished, you will want to put it away until you fell like play it again a couple of month later, like me.



    This game is really something to look at on how new games coming out these days instead of the usual rubbish we get today should be. This game is extremely good and is recommended to anybody who has a 360 or even PC (and soon PS3 also )


    • Excellent story
    • Voice Acting
    • Weapons

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