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Thread: sort yourself out nintendo

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default sort yourself out nintendo

    ive always been an avid hater of nintendo and i hate them now for the same reason i hated them 10 and 15 years ago. and why is this?

    1. games are always for kids
    2. they rerelease the same games every year such as mario, zelda etc.
    3. when they release a new console their exciting line up includes none other than......mario and zelda.


  2. #2

    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    you obviously didnt hate the nes... that was thee best system in the 80s

  3. #3

    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    of course my first console was a gemini (coleco)

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    oh yeah tell your precious sony to start making original games and comput up with something innovative for a change.

  5. #5

    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    [quote author=biagrin_sackville link=board=gamecube;num=1088186911;start=0#0 date=06/25/04 at 13:08:31]1. games are always for kids[/quote]I never got this argument. I can't understand why someone won't play a game that's actually fun just because the environment and the characters are bright and colorful.

    The only rationale I can come up with is that people are afraid about what their friends might think of when they see them play such games. All I can say to this is - grow up. You're missing out on alot of games just because of your insecurity. I happily play games such as the original Pokemon for the Gameboy and Space Channel 5 in front of friends and family, and frankly I don't care what they think. They are fun games, and that's all that matters.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo


    I would kinda agree with him, but more like the lines of "not enough content for adults" and
    seriously lacking in RPG, and adventure.

    Space channel 5 I found was quite a hit with
    my friends (age 26-34).. Fur Fighters originally
    was a tough sell, but after the initial shame was
    gone.. I quickly replaced Quake/G-Recon with
    fluff matches for at least 6 months..

  7. #7

    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    [quote author=Kamjin link=board=gamecube;num=1088186911;start=0#5 date=06/25/04 at 21:48:01]Metafox,

    I would kinda agree with him, but more like the lines of "not enough content for adults"[/quote]That wouldn't fit in with Nintendo. They're always throwing in in-jokes into their games that only the gamers who grew up playing the games in the older generations would get.

    There's plenty of content for adults. When I think adult content, I think of content that will fly right over the heads of the kids, but the adults get it. Like the jokes in Shrek - not bloody, gory, swear as much as we want to for no reason just because it's cool type of games.

    Nintendo's got adult humour a-plenty. Unless you're too young to get it, and it goes right over your head. And, I'm sure alot of these people claiming that "Nintendo is too kiddy" actually are too young to get it.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    nintendo as been known to play towards kids, but, I think that it is only in the aspect of playing towards the parents, at least in the U.S.. But who can deny that most zelda games (with the cdi being an exception.) are among some of the most thought out games, graphically, and playability. I love sequels. it sucks when a game comes to an end and there is still so much to do story or game-wise. I know it sounds lame but, i grew up with mario, and zelda, and samus. my only lament is that snes dodgeball was never released in the US. and no dodgeball at all for 64. and a silly remake for GBA. Until the 64 nintendo was the king of graphics and sound, (except for the neo-geo which in my opinion was an elitist console because of the price.) and the 64 was just bad planning. We know that nintedo will always regret not putting out a disc system so that it would have stayed competitive with the PS1. but on the other hand they had to make games to stay more competitve. In others words I think that the big N had to make games such as Conker, and smash brothers, and perfect dark, to make sure that they were still getting the 20+ crowd, and anyway, the N really kicked some ass with 3d aspect of games with titles such as Mario64 and Zelda OoT. (personally I think that MM sucked). anyway you can trash nintendo if you want, but just remeber who it was that dragged the console world out crappy atari and C64 games.(though AMiga still kicked some ass) but nintendo really needs to not be intimidated by all the new kids on the block. I heard that they are going to try some really crazy stuff with they're next console and I just want to warn them that all the other console companies are capitalizing on making a console with immense system capabilities while also making it damn easy to code and directly port games directly to it, automatically makeing it possible to have an extensive library out of the box. and don't forget that it wouldn't be illegal at all to make a system that could play PC games just as easy as the games that were made for it. (I think that the PHANTOM by infium labs will do this.) this will be the decideing factor in the upcoming console war. and a game in which microsoft as already won. (The dc with it's CE kernal) and the xbox with it's almost linux kernal. not some krazy of shoot propietary brand of stupid SDL. (i'm probably wrong though)

  9. #9
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo


    I don't think I was clear.. I do like that fact that they
    have that 2 level humor which I always find better
    than strait out Duke nukem slurs.
    But what I was aiming to, was more along
    teen+ oriented titles, ala Resident evil, Metal Gear.
    I find that with the GC they've been trying to
    make as many "G" rated games as possible..
    so immense RPG's that younger kids will not
    play because of lack of reading skills.. or interest
    are totally missing..
    But as guymelef mentioned it, as with the dreamcast.
    it might just be a Nintendo of America descision..
    to market it that way..

    I'll have to disagree on the C=64, since that would
    depend on your age at the time of the nintendo
    release, if you were younger it would make sense
    but if you were well into your teens, the library
    of games on the computers were better at the time..
    also I picked up my first amiga a several months
    after the nintendo was released (If I remember right).
    and to be honest the NES, or SNES couldn't compare
    game wise to it.. but of course it was $1000..
    That's what made the nes collect serious dust..

    I also liked the N64, much better than the
    PSX, or Saturn..
    but this I feel was the start of the
    decline of Nintendo of America.. they kept
    loosing 3rd party on this guy.. which all went
    to the psx

    I personally don't hate the GC.. for all intents I have
    a semi-dead PS2 in the closet.. don't care for the Xbox..
    Just have a GC, and a Dreamcast hooked up to my
    TV.. GC is a great piece of hardware..

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: sort yourself out nintendo

    I love nintendo, i always have, i always will. even though they make some bad decisions (no internet games) I shall always hold a special place for nintendo in my heart. And i can understand your dislike of mario but zelda?! what the hell is wrong with you man? Zelda is art. I cant name one game that compares with the adventure involved with zelda games, any of them! I take that back about mario too, mario kicks ass. If you think your too mature for these great titles... your really missing out!

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