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Thread: Mouse-like Xbox 360 controller mooted

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    xbox 360 Mouse-like Xbox 360 controller mooted

    Microsoft is considering new controllers for Xbox 360, one designed to suit fans of the first-person-shooter genre, another that's motion sensitive.

    On optional Xbox 360 controller featuring a redesigned analogue stick is under consideration at Microsoft, according to the firm's hardware manager Robert S. Walker. The revelation came during a discussion panel at Microsoft's annual Gamefest conference held in Seattle earlier this week, geared around Xbox 360 gaming peripherals in general.

    Since Microsoft is adamantly resisting the release of a mouse-keyboard arrangement for Xbox 360, in order to differentiate the gaming experience from that on PC, an FPS-friendly right-analogue stick could be the way forward. Also, according to reports from the event, Microsoft is looking into a possible motion sensing controller, a la Wii and PlayStation 3.

    At the moment the above developments are probably no further than the drawing board stage. However we do have the Xbox 360 camera on the immediate horizon, almost certainly guaranteed to deliver EyeToy-style experiences on the console. More related news is expected to emerge from X06, Microsoft's Xbox-oriented conference taking place in Barcelona next month.

  2. #2


    :| omg that us soo frekin kool!!!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro stotheamuel's Avatar
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    "Omg microsoft cant think of anything on their own... they have to copy nintendo!"

    What no one is going to say that?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stotheamuel
    "Omg microsoft cant think of anything on their own... they have to copy nintendo!"

    What no one is going to say that?
    They're copying Nintendo after Sony copied Nintendo, so they're just doing it to stay with the times.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yeah they are/might be copying PS3 and the Wii but can you blame them?
    Also i think the best controller for a first person shooter is a mouse, it allows for more quicker movement and more acuracy. Personally i think they shud bring out something like the keyboard & mouse because people find it so much more easier...they just want to go down the same route as nintendo and be innovative with their designs

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by stotheamuel
    "Omg microsoft cant think of anything on their own... they have to copy nintendo!"

    What no one is going to say that?

    OMG! , did you not know that PS3 is copying the Wii.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro stotheamuel's Avatar
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    wow.... OMG

    did you know the only reason i said that is because that's exactly what everyone said about the ps3... but no one said about this

  8. #8
    PSP User dtothabreezy's Avatar
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    becuz its not confirmed and when the ps3 did it it was the first of its kind a gut move now it dosent matter ne more

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro Cooe14's Avatar
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    I highly doubt Microsoft will go forward with a motion sensing controller mainly because of how much flak
    Sony got for copying it. Though I would like to some new 360 controllers.

    I WON THE LOTTERY w0Ot!!1!!111!!1!1 (hint check post count )

  10. #10
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Copying ideas raises standards

    Why are people so obsessed with who copied off of who. This so-called copying is what drives competition and raises levels of standards. I understand that people like creativity an all , but if no one ever implemented the ideas of others in their products imagine were we would be. What if the developers of linux decided not to implement GUI (Graphic user interface or menus with mouse suppport) because microsoft or apple had it first. Imagine if nobody copied the idea of manufacturing the ball point. Only one company would make it and they would charge us out the @$$ to buy it. Hell the reason why we have more than one video game system is because other companies copied Ralph Baer's concept of interacting with images shown on a TV. Nintendo made the mistake of not coping the idea to use optical disks for storage with The nintendo 64 and as a result the games suffered do to lack of space. Any body remember the sega master which made you get up to pause the system? Now imagine doing that with sega genesis, saturn, and dreamcast. What if nintendo (with thier lack of 3rd part support)was still the only system with an analog stick all because no body wanted to copy their idea. So I hope every copies the good ideas and apply them to the products they make. Don't get me wrong I also want to see orignal ideas.Its just that alot of people are complaining this so called coping and is only raising the bar. If no company took in design concepts of other companies, we would all be stuck with a bunch of high priced low quality proprietary crap. And there is a speacial word for this situation. It called a "Monopoly"

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