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Thread: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    I shouldnt have posted this... but I am anyway.

    Some of you know of the hurricane Ivan that hit the gulf of mexico USA. Well thats only part of the ugly story you are about to read.

    About a week ago I was very sick. I was thirsty all the time (except when water was actually in my mouth), I was deleriouse, unable to move and hoping to die! I was rushed to the hospital after a visit with my doctor determined that my blood sugare was over 900 (normal being 80 - 150) and bed ridden untill about last tuesday when I was told I was now a type 1 diabetic and my life had completely changed forever. So I was discharged, but before I was able to leave the door alarms were going off, and I was sent back to my room with the information that a large tropical storm was on its way. After about 30 hours of complaining that I couldnt go home, they let me go. When I got home (I was already in a pissy mood) I was made aware that the yard, that I had spent the last six months caring for, had been completely, and I mean completely destroyed. After praying to god for him to take pitty on me for a while I went inside to drink a Diet Root Beer (which was the only thing that could bring me comfort at this point). Everytime my blood sugare is slightly above where it is suposed to be my parents call me lazy. I feel miserable and hopless as if there is no longer a future for me. Hell even the hott, very risque girl nextdoor couldnt even make me feel better. I think I need a drink... mabey a diet root beer.

    So forgive my pissy mood and forgive me. Eventually I will get back to posting my classic nonessential posts, just like in the good ole' days.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    If you have any ideas or suggestions to make my life less miserable (Video games, movies, foods for diabetics, jokes, webpages with girls that show their naughty bits, anything at all) please post em here.

  3. #3
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    crap, sorry to hear that 1timeuser , (still wish a hot, very risque girl lived next door to me). i noticed y were not about recently.

    Video games, movies, foods for diabetics, jokes, webpages with girls that show their naughty bits, anything at all allways cheers me up!
    and its real old but got some funny stuff on it

  4. #4

    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    Greetings friend, hope you have enough strenght to carry on.
    Let me point you to a website : where you can findo some usefull software to help you with your situation. Wish the best to you.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    Life, can be @ times a bit tough. I've been moving me, my mother, and my wife from a place 3 times as big into a smaller place over the last month and a half, and only a few days for rest, and relaxation.... anyway, what I wanted to say is: Do what makes you happy, yes, things happen fast, and that's how fast life, and reality can change. Give yourself a half an hour, to read a book that you enjoyed before this happened, listen to a favorite tape or CD, play a really good video game, re-connect yourself with whom you were, and continue to be who you are. I'm 28, and i've been dealing with depression since i was a small child of about 7 or so, I'be been through a lot of crud in life, but i kept on going, and had i not given myself the chance to "live", I wouldn't be here today, typing at this keyboard, married, and getting my stuff together, telling someone else that the sun will shine again. BTW, i heard like, that there's new stuff out for diabetes like sugar "clones" or something. Don't let this stuff rip you up and tear you down.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    Hey man, I know life must seem $#@!ty now, but there really are people worse off. You have to change your lifestyle a little, yes, but it will get better.

    I too am 17, I suffer from chron's disease. I dont have to watch what I eat to the same degree as a diabetic, but its a pretty $#@!ty thing to have all the same(no pun intended).

    Dont sit thinkin bout yourself It wont make anythin better. I know it doesnt feel like that now but if you let it get on top of you, it may be harder to get out of later.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    I appreciate all the responces! thanks guys, your making me remember why i love this forum so much. your like an internet family ;D

    <edit> I moved my responce here because its xbox related.;start=0

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    Wow, I need to visit the forums more. Sorry to hear about things, 1timer, but from watching a cousin of mine deal with diabetes you will get adjusted to it, basically because you have no choice. Could be alot worse, but if you take care of yourself then you will be fine. I hope things cheer up for you in the short run, though

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: My life is falling to peices.. and im 17!

    I know i'm reviving an old topic here, but 1timeuser it may interest you that british scientists have started a large scale trial on diabetes vaccination, and they may have a cure within the next 10 years.

    Thank you the times for this useful info.

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