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Thread: final fantasy is crap

  1. #11
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    i can't find my copy of the belegriad but old school final fantasy kicks ass and I will have to see about checking out the games you listed(if I can find them at the store)

  2. #12

    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    Didn't 'kingdom Hearts' feature FF characters or am I thinking of another RPG (there's so many )...

    FF brought the RPG games from the spotty nerds behind the screen to the masses, the movie cutscenes are legendary and so many other game producers seem to follow the well trodden path. Whatever your view on FF, credit where credit is due, long drawn out battles/linear storylines seem to have worked in bringing RPG to life for so many.

    One thing I found a pleasant distraction in FF (later series) was the side stories/games - anyone manage to get all the card set from 'Triple Triad'?

  3. #13
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    I just think too many people of the playstation generation are impressed by FMV, call me a cretin if you must for not appreciating the complex storyline but I'd much rather be interacting with a game than watching it, I also thing it's far better to use the in-game engine for cut scenes and endings otherwise it looks too disjointed. Ocarina of Time is an example of how well this can work. I prefer action RPGs like the Zelda series in comparison to stat based RPGs anyway really, that said I thoroughly enjoyed Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (prepares to be flamed by hardcore "true" FF fans).

  4. #14

    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    Hmm another post where people bash something they don't like. Do I like every game u like? Probably not, do i go and make posts "so and so sucks" no. Liking ff has nothing to do with fmv, and the fact the magic attacks are long really has nothing to do with it being a movie. What exactly do you want to be doind during the magic attacks, pressing the buttons 1000 times. Besides ff has always been turnbased, square made plenty of other rpgs that had more interaction and varied greatly from ff. If you don't liked turn based games don't play them. Btw by calling zelda an rpg that really shows how much you know about video games. Each type of game appeals to different gamers and each games individuality is what it makes it good. I can enjoy a turnbased game like ff and an actoin rpg like secret of mana. Using in game cut scenes is ok but for certain scenes it whould never reach the level of emotion, atmosphere and absorbotion as fmv especially for pre next generation systems that graphics engines where very limited. The slaying and killing of aeris in ff7 and the destruction of the plane and other scenes whould have looked silly using the in game engine and whould have not convayed the same sort of emotion and story telling that square wanted. Now that video games graphics engines are up to par and have more flexibilty fmv is uses less and less. Really I don't even understand why you are talking and bashing ff games when you said you never really liked stat based rpgs in the first place. Lastly people that liked psx games caused they like rpgs is bs, they liked it cause it had many of the developers that made the snes great, many great games of a many genres. From rpgs, to 2d shooters, lightgun games, racing games, etc.

  5. #15
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    i'm not bashing i'm purely giving my opinion, i'm not hoping to change the opinion of someone who likes the series, hell if someone enjoys it good for them... and how exactly would you describe the Zelda series of games then other than an "action RPG", Zelda was arguably the first ever RPG- just because it doesn't involve reading through 15 minutes of text or 2 hours of FMV does not mean it can't be an RPG.

    I also completely disagree with you saying that a game can never get the level of absorbtion without FMV, if thats the only way a developer can get your attention then they don't understand the limitations of the hardware and need to get more imagination. Take a game like Jet Set Radio, not a bit of FMV in sight but the cut scenes are brilliant and have a lot of style, Shenmue and Ocarina of time the same. Half the time FMV is just used to shift units by sticking the video on loop in dixons and to make pretty screenshots for magazines, with people thinking the in-game graphics will be the same.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    the problem with rpg and rpg adventure is that you have to re - invent the wheel everytime you make a reincarnation of it. hence the evolution of zelda and FF. so it's really impossible to compare in a debate unless you specifically give your frame of reference as well as your personal bias -before- making a statement with a pro or con attitude=== If you get me. final fantasy is one of those series that everyone has a favorite. and everyone's favorite is their favorite for different reasons. ergo the reason why people such as myself hate ff8 while other FF fans love it and hate ff6.
    As far as Zelda goes..... there hasn't been a truly interesting Zelda game since link to the past. period.
    and metroid kicks ass

  7. #17
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    why is everyone complaining about the fact that someone has put down ff. surely this is the whole point in a forum - to argue for and against and to get everbodies opinion on the subject.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    zelda 4 for the gameboy is definitely one of the best Zelda games :P i do prefer the 2d ones to the 3d ones if i'm honest but these have also all been excellent (lets forget majora's mask shall we)

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie BoneyCork's Avatar
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    See, Id much rather an important piece of story was shown to me in full cinematic FMV, than the stale stuff even today's modern engines end up pulling off. It's alot nicer to look at, and I dont believe it feels disjointed.

    There are alot of videogame purists around who cant stand to see videogames mixing with other forms of media (like movies) and it fustrates me.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: final fantasy is crap

    the subject says it all, crap


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